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i-am-trying-my-best-okay · 1 year ago
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yeoldenews · 10 months ago
A Guide to Historically Accurate Regency-Era Names
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I recently received a message from a historical romance writer asking if I knew any good resources for finding historically accurate Regency-era names for their characters.
Not knowing any off the top of my head, I dug around online a bit and found there really isn’t much out there. The vast majority of search results were Buzzfeed-style listicles which range from accurate-adjacent to really, really, really bad.
I did find a few blog posts with fairly decent name lists, but noticed that even these have very little indication as to each name’s relative popularity as those statistical breakdowns really don't exist.
I began writing up a response with this information, but then I (being a research addict who was currently snowed in after a blizzard) thought hey - if there aren’t any good resources out there why not make one myself?
As I lacked any compiled data to work from, I had to do my own data wrangling on this project. Due to this fact, I limited the scope to what I thought would be the most useful for writers who focus on this era, namely - people of a marriageable age living in the wealthiest areas of London.
So with this in mind - I went through period records and compiled the names of 25,000 couples who were married in the City of Westminster (which includes Mayfair, St. James and Hyde Park) between 1804 to 1821.
So let’s see what all that data tells us…
To begin - I think it’s hard for us in the modern world with our wide and varied abundance of first names to conceive of just how POPULAR popular names of the past were.
If you were to take a modern sample of 25-year-old (born in 1998) American women, the most common name would be Emily with 1.35% of the total population. If you were to add the next four most popular names (Hannah, Samantha, Sarah and Ashley) these top five names would bring you to 5.5% of the total population. (source: Social Security Administration)
If you were to do the same survey in Regency London - the most common name would be Mary with 19.2% of the population. Add the next four most popular names (Elizabeth, Ann, Sarah and Jane) and with just 5 names you would have covered 62% of all women.
To hit 62% of the population in the modern survey it would take the top 400 names.
The top five Regency men’s names (John, William, Thomas, James and George) have nearly identical statistics as the women’s names.
I struggled for the better part of a week with how to present my findings, as a big list in alphabetical order really fails to get across the popularity factor and also isn’t the most tumblr-compatible format. And then my YouTube homepage recommended a random video of someone ranking all the books they’d read last year - and so I present…
The Regency Name Popularity Tier List
The Tiers
S+ - 10% of the population or greater. There is no modern equivalent to this level of popularity. 52% of the population had one of these 7 names.
S - 2-10%. There is still no modern equivalent to this level of popularity. Names in this percentage range in the past have included Mary and William in the 1880s and Jennifer in the late 1970s (topped out at 4%).
A - 1-2%. The top five modern names usually fall in this range. Kids with these names would probably include their last initial in class to avoid confusion. (1998 examples: Emily, Sarah, Ashley, Michael, Christopher, Brandon.)
B - .3-1%. Very common names. Would fall in the top 50 modern names. You would most likely know at least 1 person with these names. (1998 examples: Jessica, Megan, Allison, Justin, Ryan, Eric)
C - .17-.3%. Common names. Would fall in the modern top 100. You would probably know someone with these names, or at least know of them. (1998 examples: Chloe, Grace, Vanessa, Sean, Spencer, Seth)
D - .06-.17%. Less common names. In the modern top 250. You may not personally know someone with these names, but you’re aware of them. (1998 examples: Faith, Cassidy, Summer, Griffin, Dustin, Colby)
E - .02-.06%. Uncommon names. You’re aware these are names, but they are not common. Unusual enough they may be remarked upon. (1998 examples: Calista, Skye, Precious, Fabian, Justice, Lorenzo)
F - .01-.02%. Rare names. You may have heard of these names, but you probably don’t know anyone with one. Extremely unusual, and would likely be remarked upon. (1998 examples: Emerald, Lourdes, Serenity, Dario, Tavian, Adonis)
G - Very rare names. There are only a handful of people with these names in the entire country. You’ve never met anyone with this name.
H - Virtually non-existent. Names that theoretically could have existed in the Regency period (their original source pre-dates the early 19th century) but I found fewer than five (and often no) period examples of them being used in Regency England. (Example names taken from romance novels and online Regency name lists.)
Just to once again reinforce how POPULAR popular names were before we get to the tier lists - statistically, in a ballroom of 100 people in Regency London: 80 would have names from tiers S+/S. An additional 15 people would have names from tiers A/B and C. 4 of the remaining 5 would have names from D/E. Only one would have a name from below tier E.
Women's Names
S+ Mary, Elizabeth, Ann, Sarah      
S - Jane, Mary Ann+, Hannah, Susannah, Margaret, Catherine, Martha, Charlotte, Maria
A - Frances, Harriet, Sophia, Eleanor, Rebecca
B - Alice, Amelia, Bridget~, Caroline, Eliza, Esther, Isabella, Louisa, Lucy, Lydia, Phoebe, Rachel, Susan
C - Ellen, Fanny*, Grace, Henrietta, Hester, Jemima, Matilda, Priscilla
D - Abigail, Agnes, Amy, Augusta, Barbara, Betsy*, Betty*, Cecilia, Christiana, Clarissa, Deborah, Diana, Dinah, Dorothy, Emily, Emma, Georgiana, Helen, Janet^, Joanna, Johanna, Judith, Julia, Kezia, Kitty*, Letitia, Nancy*, Ruth, Winifred>
E - Arabella, Celia, Charity, Clara, Cordelia, Dorcas, Eve, Georgina, Honor, Honora, Jennet^, Jessie*^, Joan, Joyce, Juliana, Juliet, Lavinia, Leah, Margery, Marian, Marianne, Marie, Mercy, Miriam, Naomi, Patience, Penelope, Philadelphia, Phillis, Prudence, Rhoda, Rosanna, Rose, Rosetta, Rosina, Sabina, Selina, Sylvia, Theodosia, Theresa
F - (selected) Alicia, Bethia, Euphemia, Frederica, Helena, Leonora, Mariana, Millicent, Mirah, Olivia, Philippa, Rosamund, Sybella, Tabitha, Temperance, Theophila, Thomasin, Tryphena, Ursula, Virtue, Wilhelmina
G - (selected) Adelaide, Alethia, Angelina, Cassandra, Cherry, Constance, Delilah, Dorinda, Drusilla, Eva, Happy, Jessica, Josephine, Laura, Minerva, Octavia, Parthenia, Theodora, Violet, Zipporah
H - Alberta, Alexandra, Amber, Ashley, Calliope, Calpurnia, Chloe, Cressida, Cynthia, Daisy, Daphne, Elaine, Eloise, Estella, Lilian, Lilias, Francesca, Gabriella, Genevieve, Gwendoline, Hermione, Hyacinth, Inez, Iris, Kathleen, Madeline, Maude, Melody, Portia, Seabright, Seraphina, Sienna, Verity
Men's Names
S+ John, William, Thomas
S - James, George, Joseph, Richard, Robert, Charles, Henry, Edward, Samuel
A - Benjamin, (Mother’s/Grandmother’s maiden name used as first name)#
B - Alexander^, Andrew, Daniel, David>, Edmund, Francis, Frederick, Isaac, Matthew, Michael, Patrick~, Peter, Philip, Stephen, Timothy
C - Abraham, Anthony, Christopher, Hugh>, Jeremiah, Jonathan, Nathaniel, Walter
D - Adam, Arthur, Bartholomew, Cornelius, Dennis, Evan>, Jacob, Job, Josiah, Joshua, Lawrence, Lewis, Luke, Mark, Martin, Moses, Nicholas, Owen>, Paul, Ralph, Simon
E - Aaron, Alfred, Allen, Ambrose, Amos, Archibald, Augustin, Augustus, Barnard, Barney, Bernard, Bryan, Caleb, Christian, Clement, Colin, Duncan^, Ebenezer, Edwin, Emanuel, Felix, Gabriel, Gerard, Gilbert, Giles, Griffith, Harry*, Herbert, Humphrey, Israel, Jabez, Jesse, Joel, Jonas, Lancelot, Matthias, Maurice, Miles, Oliver, Rees, Reuben, Roger, Rowland, Solomon, Theophilus, Valentine, Zachariah
F - (selected) Abel, Barnabus, Benedict, Connor, Elijah, Ernest, Gideon, Godfrey, Gregory, Hector, Horace, Horatio, Isaiah, Jasper, Levi, Marmaduke, Noah, Percival, Shadrach, Vincent
G - (selected) Albion, Darius, Christmas, Cleophas, Enoch, Ethelbert, Gavin, Griffin, Hercules, Hugo, Innocent, Justin, Maximilian, Methuselah, Peregrine, Phineas, Roland, Sebastian, Sylvester, Theodore, Titus, Zephaniah
H - Albinus, Americus, Cassian, Dominic, Eric, Milo, Rollo, Trevor, Tristan, Waldo, Xavier
# Men were sometimes given a family surname (most often their mother's or grandmother's maiden name) as their first name - the most famous example of this being Fitzwilliam Darcy. If you were to combine all surname-based first names as a single 'name' this is where the practice would rank.
*Rank as a given name, not a nickname
+If you count Mary Ann as a separate name from Mary - Mary would remain in S+ even without the Mary Anns included
~Primarily used by people of Irish descent
^Primarily used by people of Scottish descent
>Primarily used by people of Welsh descent
I was going to continue on and write about why Regency-era first names were so uniform, discuss historically accurate surnames, nicknames, and include a little guide to finding 'unique' names that are still historically accurate - but this post is already very, very long, so that will have to wait for a later date.
If anyone has any questions/comments/clarifications in the meantime feel free to message me.
Methodology notes: All data is from marriage records covering six parishes in the City of Westminster between 1804 and 1821. The total sample size was 50,950 individuals.
I chose marriage records rather than births/baptisms as I wanted to focus on individuals who were adults during the Regency era rather than newborns. I think many people make the mistake when researching historical names by using baby name data for the year their story takes place rather than 20 to 30 years prior, and I wanted to avoid that. If you are writing a story that takes place in 1930 you don’t want to research the top names for 1930, you need to be looking at 1910 or earlier if you are naming adult characters.
I combined (for my own sanity) names that are pronounced identically but have minor spelling differences: i.e. the data for Catherine also includes Catharines and Katherines, Susannah includes Susannas, Phoebe includes Phebes, etc.
The compound 'Mother's/Grandmother's maiden name used as first name' designation is an educated guesstimate based on what I recognized as known surnames, as I do not hate myself enough to go through 25,000+ individuals and confirm their mother's maiden names. So if the tally includes any individuals who just happened to be named Fitzroy/Hastings/Townsend/etc. because their parents liked the sound of it and not due to any familial relations - my bad.
I did a small comparative survey of 5,000 individuals in several rural communities in Rutland and Staffordshire (chosen because they had the cleanest data I could find and I was lazy) to see if there were any significant differences between urban and rural naming practices and found the results to be very similar. The most noticeable difference I observed was that the S+ tier names were even MORE popular in rural areas than in London. In Rutland between 1810 and 1820 Elizabeths comprised 21.4% of all brides vs. 15.3% in the London survey. All other S+ names also saw increases of between 1% and 6%. I also observed that the rural communities I surveyed saw a small, but noticeable and fairly consistent, increase in the use of names with Biblical origins.
Sources of the records I used for my survey: 
Ancestry.com. England & Wales Marriages, 1538-1988 [database on-line].
Ancestry.com. Westminster, London, England, Church of England Marriages and Banns, 1754-1935 [database on-line].
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hayatheauthor · 3 months ago
The Arsonists’ Handbook: A Writer’s Guide To Igniting Fire
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This comprehensive guide is crafted to assist writers in creating realistic and gripping depictions of arson scenes. We'll explore the psychological motivations behind arson, the different types of fires, and the intricate dynamics of how a fire spreads.
I personally wrote this blog due to a story I’m working on involving the Salem trials fires, thus the extensive research. I hope this comprehensive guide will help you out with your fiery (written) endeavours! (Heavy on the written). 
Understanding Fire: The Basics
How Fire Starts
At its core, fire is a chemical reaction known as combustion. For fire to ignite, three key elements must be present: heat, fuel, and oxygen. This trio is often referred to as the fire triangle. Removing any one of these elements will prevent or extinguish the fire.
Heat: The energy source that raises the temperature of the material (fuel) to its ignition point. Heat can come from various sources, such as an open flame, electrical sparks, friction, or chemical reactions.
Fuel: Any combustible material that can feed the fire. This can range from solid objects like wood and paper to liquids like gasoline and alcohol, and even gases like propane and natural gas.
Oxygen: Fire needs oxygen to sustain itself. Typically, the air around us provides the necessary oxygen, but in certain conditions (like in an oxygen-rich environment), fire can become significantly more intense and harder to control.
Fire Behavior
Once a fire ignites, its behavior is influenced by several factors, including the type of fuel, the amount of oxygen available, and the environment. Understanding how fire behaves is crucial for writing realistic scenes, especially when it comes to describing how quickly a fire spreads and the destruction it causes.
Spread of Fire
Fire spreads through three main methods: conduction, convection, and radiation. Conduction is the transfer of heat through materials, like when a fire heats up a metal door. Convection occurs when hot air rises and circulates, spreading the fire. Radiation is the heat that spreads through the air, setting nearby objects alight without direct contact.
Stages of a Fire
A fire typically goes through four stages: ignition, growth, fully developed, and decay.
Ignition: This is the beginning stage where the fire starts. It’s often small and contained, but the potential for growth is high.
Growth: As the fire consumes more fuel, it grows in size and intensity. During this stage, the fire spreads rapidly, and the heat increases, potentially igniting nearby objects.
Fully Developed: The fire has reached its peak intensity. All available fuel is burning, and the temperature is at its highest. This is the most dangerous stage, where the fire is hardest to control.
Decay: As the fire runs out of fuel or oxygen, it begins to die down. The flames reduce in size, and the temperature starts to drop. However, if there’s still some fuel or oxygen left, the fire can reignite.
Types of Fire
Not all fires are created equal, and understanding the differences between various types of fires can help you write more accurate scenes. The type of fire often determines how it spreads, how it's fought, and the damage it causes.
Class A (Ordinary Combustibles): These fires involve materials like wood, paper, cloth, and some plastics. They are the most common type of fire and are usually extinguished with water or foam.
Class B (Flammable Liquids): These fires involve flammable or combustible liquids such as gasoline, oil, and alcohol. They are more dangerous than Class A fires and are typically extinguished with foam, carbon dioxide, or dry chemical agents.
Class C (Electrical Fires): These fires involve electrical equipment, such as wiring, circuit breakers, and appliances. Water should never be used to extinguish a Class C fire because it can conduct electricity, making the situation worse. These fires are typically fought with non-conductive agents like dry chemicals or carbon dioxide.
Class D (Combustible Metals): These fires involve metals like magnesium, titanium, and sodium. They are very dangerous and are fought with specialized agents like dry powder designed to absorb heat and smother the fire.
Class K (Kitchen Fires): These fires involve cooking oils and fats, often occurring in kitchens. They are fought with wet chemical agents that cool the fire and create a barrier between the fuel and the oxygen.
The Stages of Arson
Arson, the act of deliberately setting fire to property, is a complex crime that involves planning, execution, and, often, a great deal of psychological motivation. Understanding the stages of arson can help you create more realistic and engaging scenes in your writing.
Planning and Preparation
Before an arsonist sets a fire, they usually go through a detailed planning and preparation phase. This stage involves selecting a target, gathering materials, and determining the best time and method to set the fire.
Motive: The reasons behind arson can vary widely. Common motives include revenge, financial gain (such as insurance fraud), psychological compulsion (pyromania), or even a desire to destroy evidence of another crime.
Target Selection: The arsonist will choose their target based on various factors, including the accessibility of the location, the presence of flammable materials, and the likelihood of the fire being discovered quickly. For example, an arsonist might target an abandoned building, a business with financial troubles, or a residence where they hold a grudge against the occupants.
Materials Gathering: The arsonist needs to gather materials to start the fire. This might include accelerants like gasoline or kerosene, tools to break into the target location, and possibly even timing devices to delay the ignition. Some arsonists use household items like matches, lighters, or candles, while others might resort to more sophisticated methods.
Timing: Timing is crucial for arson. The arsonist might choose a time when the target location is unoccupied to avoid detection or ensure maximum damage. Alternatively, they might set the fire at a time when the building is full of people to cause harm or send a message.
The ignition stage is when the arsonist actually starts the fire. This is often the most critical and dangerous part of the crime, as it requires the arsonist to be physically present at the scene.
Methods: There are various methods an arsonist might use to start a fire. The simplest method is using a match or lighter to ignite flammable materials. However, more sophisticated arsonists might use chemical accelerants, timing devices, or even electrical equipment to start the fire remotely. In some cases, the arsonist might create a trail of flammable liquid leading to the target, allowing them to ignite the fire from a safe distance.
Initial Signs: The first signs of a fire are usually small flames and smoke. Depending on the materials used, the smoke might be thick and black (indicating the presence of accelerants) or lighter and less noticeable. The smell of burning materials is also a telltale sign, and in some cases, the arsonist might use scented materials to mask the odor of burning chemicals.
Fire’s Progression
Once the fire is ignited, it begins to grow and spread. The speed and intensity of the fire depend on several factors, including the type of fuel, the amount of oxygen available, and the structure of the building.
Growth: As the fire consumes more fuel, it grows in size and intensity. Flames spread to nearby objects, igniting anything that can burn. The heat generated by the fire causes nearby materials to reach their ignition points, further fueling the blaze. In a well-ventilated area, the fire can spread rapidly, engulfing the entire structure in minutes.
Environmental Effects: The fire’s heat can cause significant damage to the surrounding environment. Smoke and toxic fumes fill the air, making it difficult to breathe and see. The intense heat can cause glass to shatter, metal to warp, and wood to burst into flames. The fire might also create a backdraft, a dangerous phenomenon where a sudden influx of oxygen causes an explosion of flames.
After the fire has been extinguished, the aftermath reveals the full extent of the damage. This stage involves assessing the destruction, investigating the cause of the fire, and dealing with the legal and emotional consequences.
Destruction: The fire leaves behind a trail of destruction. Buildings are reduced to charred skeletons, possessions are destroyed, and in some cases, lives are lost. The damage caused by fire can be catastrophic, leaving victims homeless, businesses bankrupt, and communities devastated.
Investigation: Arson is a criminal act, and a thorough investigation is usually conducted to determine the cause of the fire and identify the perpetrator. Fire investigators look for clues like burn patterns, residue from
The Psychological Profile of an Arsonist
Arsonists come from diverse backgrounds, but their motivations often stem from deep psychological issues. Understanding the mind of an arsonist can help you create more complex and nuanced characters in your writing.
Common Motivations
Revenge: Many arsonists are motivated by a desire for revenge. They might set a fire to get back at someone who wronged them, such as a former employer, an ex-partner, or a rival. This type of arson is often impulsive, driven by anger and a need to assert control.
Financial Gain: Arson is sometimes committed for financial reasons, such as insurance fraud. The arsonist may set fire to their own property or hire someone to do it, intending to collect insurance money. This type of arson is usually well-planned and methodical.
Psychological Compulsion (Pyromania): Some arsonists are driven by a psychological disorder known as pyromania, where they experience an uncontrollable urge to start fires. For these individuals, the act of setting a fire provides a sense of excitement, satisfaction, or relief. Pyromaniacs often set multiple fires and may stay to watch the fire burn.
Attention-Seeking: Arsonists may set fires to attract attention, either to themselves or to a cause they believe in. This can be seen in cases where someone sets a fire to highlight an issue, make a political statement, or simply because they crave the spotlight.
Thrill-Seeking: For some, the act of arson is about the thrill of taking risks and the adrenaline rush that comes with causing destruction. These arsonists might not have any particular grievance or financial motive but are instead driven by a desire for excitement.
Psychological Traits
While not all arsonists fit a single profile, there are common psychological traits that many share:
Lack of Empathy: Arsonists often exhibit a lack of empathy, unable to fully grasp or care about the consequences of their actions on others. They may not consider the potential loss of life or property and are more focused on their own desires and needs.
Impulsivity: Some arsonists act on impulse, setting fires without fully considering the long-term effects. This impulsivity can be linked to other behavioral issues, such as a history of aggression, substance abuse, or other criminal activity.
Desire for Control: Arson can be a way for individuals to exert control over a situation or person. The fire represents a powerful force that the arsonist can manipulate, giving them a sense of power and dominance.
Isolation: Many arsonists are socially isolated, struggling to form meaningful relationships. This isolation can fuel their desire for attention or revenge, leading them to commit acts of arson as a way of asserting themselves.
Physical Signs and Symptoms of Arson
When it comes to describing a fire in your writing, the physical signs and symptoms of arson can add a layer of authenticity and vivid detail to your scenes. Understanding these signs not only enhances the realism of your narrative but also helps to convey the severity and impact of the fire.
Visual Cues
One of the most striking aspects of a fire is its visual presentation. The flames, smoke, and other visual cues can vary greatly depending on the type of fire, the materials involved, and the environment.
Flames, Colors, and Intensity of the Fire: Flames can vary in color depending on the materials burning and the temperature of the fire. For instance, a fire fueled by organic materials like wood or paper typically burns with orange or yellow flames. In contrast, fires involving chemicals or metals might produce blue, green, or even white flames. The intensity of the flames can also signal the fire’s progression, with small, flickering flames indicating the early stages and roaring, high flames signifying a fully developed fire.
Smoke Characteristics: Smoke is another key visual indicator of a fire’s behavior. The color, thickness, and smell of smoke can provide clues about the type of materials burning and the presence of accelerants. Black, thick smoke often suggests that the fire is consuming synthetic materials like plastics or rubber, while white or gray smoke might indicate burning wood or paper. The smell of the smoke can also vary, with a sharp, acrid odor suggesting the presence of chemicals.
Heat Effects
Heat is one of the most destructive elements of a fire, and it can have profound effects on objects, structures, and people. Describing these effects can make your arson scenes more visceral and impactful.
Effects on Objects and Structures: The intense heat generated by a fire can cause a wide range of damage. Wood and other combustible materials might blister and char, while metals can warp or melt. Glass windows might crack or shatter due to the rapid temperature change. The heat can also cause scorch marks on walls and floors, which are often key indicators in an arson investigation. Understanding these effects allows you to describe the aftermath of a fire with greater accuracy.
Scorch Marks, Blistering, and Charring: Scorch marks are darkened areas that indicate where flames or intense heat have come into contact with a surface. Blistering occurs when the heat causes materials to bubble and expand, often seen on painted or varnished surfaces. Charring is the blackening and partial burning of materials, typically seen on wood. These signs can be crucial in determining the origin of the fire and whether an accelerant was used.
Human Reactions
The physical and emotional responses of individuals during a fire are critical elements in conveying the terror and urgency of an arson scene.
Physical Responses to Heat and Smoke: The human body reacts dramatically to the extreme conditions of a fire. Heat can cause burns, ranging from superficial first-degree burns to more severe third-degree burns that destroy deeper layers of skin. Smoke inhalation is a common and often deadly consequence of being trapped in a fire. It can cause coughing, choking, and disorientation as the smoke deprives the body of oxygen and fills the lungs with toxic gases. Victims might experience blurred vision, dizziness, and confusion, making it difficult for them to escape.
Emotional Responses to Fire: The emotional toll of being caught in a fire can be overwhelming. Panic is a common reaction, as the instinct to flee overwhelms rational thought. Fear and anxiety can paralyze individuals, making them unable to act. However, some characters might respond with determination and resolve, driven by the need to save themselves or others. Describing these emotional responses can add depth to your characters and heighten the drama of the scene.
For a more detailed guide on burns, read how to write burns. 
Common Misconceptions About Arson
When writing about arson, it’s important to address common misconceptions that can lead to unrealistic or inaccurate scenes. Debunking these myths can help you create more credible and compelling narratives.
Fire Spreads Quickly
A common misconception is that fire spreads almost instantaneously. While fire can indeed spread rapidly, especially under the right conditions, there is often a progression that can be influenced by various factors such as the type of fuel, the presence of accelerants, and the structure of the building. In reality, a fire might start small and take several minutes to fully engulf a room, especially if there’s limited ventilation or the materials are slow to ignite. This progression allows for moments of tension and potential escape in your narrative.
All Fires Look the Same
Another myth is that all fires behave similarly, regardless of the environment or the materials involved. In truth, the appearance and behavior of a fire can vary widely. For example, a fire in a well-ventilated area with plenty of fuel will look very different from a smoldering fire in an oxygen-deprived environment. Additionally, fires involving different types of materials—like wood, gasoline, or chemicals—can produce vastly different flames, smoke, and heat. Recognizing these differences can help you craft more nuanced and realistic fire scenes.
Fire and Explosions
Thanks to Hollywood, many people believe that fires often result in dramatic explosions. However, explosions are relatively rare in most fires and usually require specific conditions, such as the presence of flammable gases or liquids in confined spaces. While a fire can cause small, localized bursts (like when a pressurized canister overheats and ruptures), full-scale explosions are uncommon. Incorporating this knowledge can prevent your scenes from falling into the trap of over-the-top sensationalism.
Easy to Identify an Arsonist
The idea that arsonists are easily identifiable or leave obvious clues behind is another misconception. In reality, arson investigation is a complex and challenging process. Arsonists often go to great lengths to cover their tracks, using methods that leave little evidence. The fire itself can destroy crucial evidence, making it difficult to determine the cause and origin. Investigators must rely on subtle clues, like burn patterns, residue from accelerants, and witness statements. Writing realistic arson investigations involves understanding the nuances and difficulties involved in linking the crime to a specific individual.
Real-Life Case Studies
Exploring real-life arson cases can provide valuable insights into the motives, methods, and consequences of arson, helping you to create more authentic scenes in your writing.
Notorious Arson Cases
The Boston Fire (1919): This fire, started by disgruntled city workers, caused extensive damage and highlighted how social unrest can lead to destructive acts of arson. The arsonists used a combination of accelerants and timing devices to ensure the fire spread quickly and was difficult to control.
The Happy Land Fire (1990): A tragic case where an arsonist set fire to a social club in New York, resulting in 87 deaths. The fire was started with gasoline, and the arsonist’s motive was personal revenge after an altercation with a club employee. This case illustrates the deadly potential of arson when combined with crowded, enclosed spaces.
The Oakland Hills Firestorm (1991): Although not initially an arson case, this firestorm was exacerbated by arsonists who set additional fires in the area. The fire destroyed thousands of homes and underscored the difficulty of controlling fires in densely populated areas with dry, windy conditions.
Lessons for Writers
Real-life cases like these offer important lessons for writers. They demonstrate the variety of motives behind arson, the different methods used, and the devastating impact that fire can have on individuals and communities. Incorporating these lessons into your writing can help you create more complex and realistic arson scenes.
Complex Motives: Arson isn’t always about destruction for its own sake. It can be motivated by revenge, financial gain, political statements, or psychological issues. Exploring these motives can add depth to your characters and their actions.
Diverse Methods: Arsonists don’t always rely on the same techniques. Understanding the different methods used to start fires allows you to vary your scenes and avoid repetitive or predictable narratives.
Realistic Consequences: The aftermath of arson can be devastating, with long-lasting consequences for the
Arson in Literature and Film
Arson is a powerful narrative device in literature and film, often used to create tension, drive plot, or explore character motivations. Understanding how arson has been portrayed in these mediums can help you craft more compelling and nuanced fire scenes in your writing.
Arson as a Plot Device
Arson is often used as a plot device to introduce conflict, create suspense, or catalyze a story’s events. It can serve as a turning point in the narrative, forcing characters to confront their past, make difficult decisions, or reveal their true nature.
Catalyst for Change: In many stories, a fire is the catalyst that sets the plot in motion. The destruction caused by the fire forces characters to adapt, overcome obstacles, or seek revenge.
Revealing Character: Arson can also be used to reveal a character’s true nature. A character who commits arson may be driven by anger, greed, or desperation, and their actions can expose underlying flaws or hidden motivations.
Symbolism: Fire is often used symbolically in literature and film, representing concepts like purification, destruction, or rebirth. The act of setting a fire can be a symbolic gesture, reflecting the character’s desire to destroy the past, cleanse themselves of guilt, or start anew.
Notable Examples in Literature and Film
"Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Brontë: In this classic novel, the character of Bertha Mason sets fire to Thornfield Hall, an act that is both literal and symbolic. The fire represents Bertha's madness and desperation, as well as the destructive secrets hidden within the estate. The blaze ultimately leads to the revelation of Mr. Rochester's past and serves as a turning point in Jane Eyre's journey, symbolizing the destruction of the old and the possibility of a new beginning.
"Fahrenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury: In Bradbury’s dystopian novel, fire is used as a tool of oppression. Firemen are tasked with burning books, a symbol of knowledge and freedom, to maintain societal control. The protagonist, Guy Montag, initially takes part in these acts of arson, but as the story progresses, he becomes disillusioned and eventually rebels against the system. The novel explores themes of censorship, conformity, and the power of knowledge, with fire serving as both a destructive and a purifying force.
"Carrie" by Stephen King: In King’s horror novel, fire is a key element of the climactic scene where Carrie White, after being humiliated at her high school prom, uses her telekinetic powers to set fire to the gymnasium. The fire is a manifestation of her rage and desire for revenge, and it leads to the destruction of her school and the deaths of many of her tormentors. The scene is a powerful example of how fire can be used to convey intense emotions and serve as a metaphor for uncontrollable anger and retribution.
"Rebecca" by Daphne du Maurier: The burning of Manderley, the grand estate that serves as the novel’s primary setting, is a pivotal moment in du Maurier’s gothic tale. The fire, set by the vengeful housekeeper Mrs. Danvers, symbolizes the destruction of the past and the erasure of Rebecca’s lingering influence over the characters. It also represents the liberation of the protagonist from the oppressive shadow of her predecessor, allowing her to finally step out of Rebecca’s shadow.
Looking For More Writing Tips And Tricks? 
Are you an author looking for writing tips and tricks to better your manuscript? Or do you want to learn about how to get a literary agent, get published and properly market your book? Consider checking out the rest of Quillology with Haya Sameer; a blog dedicated to writing and publishing tips for authors! While you’re at it, don’t forget to head over to my TikTok and Instagram profiles @hayatheauthor to learn more about my WIP and writing journey! 
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safety-pin-punk · 11 months ago
Punk 101: A Guide To Critical Thinking
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We all know that critical thinking is important, and it's something that any punk will tell you is an essential component of advocacy and pushing for societal changes. But, what exactly is critical thinking? As defined by the dictionary, it's “the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgment”. And that's a good, short definition! But it can make the act of thinking critically seem a bit hard and over complicated for some people. So lets phrase it in a way that seems more manageable:
Critical Thinking is the act of taking in information, understanding it, and forming or connecting ideas because of it
Sounds easy enough, right! So then what are the steps one has to take in order to be a critical thinker? I’m glad you asked! Here's a list in no particular order:
Learn About Things - In order to fully understand information and evidence, you need to know about the topic! Whether the issue is social justice or environmental protection, you need to have a base knowledge on the topic in order to form opinions on it. Researching topics on your own or taking classes are great ways to get informed!
Recognize Bias From The Source And Prejudices From Yourself - No source of information will ever be without bias. A good example of this is how different new networks discuss the same event. One might praise it, while another says it was bad. When trying to understand the information to form your own opinions, it's important to separate the information from the biases of the source. In general, it's good to remember that a pure fact is just the information without an opinion attached to it. On a similar note, you also need to be aware of your own bias! When you form opinions, ask yourself *why* you have that opinion. Do you have a reason? If you were to have grown up with different life experiences, do you think your opinion would be different?
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Go Straight To The Original Source - A good way to try and avoid bias is to go to the original source. Maybe news network A and news network B have differing opinions on a Tumblr post. Instead of trying to navigate those conflicting opinions to find the facts about the post, you can just go straight to the post itself!
How Reliable Is The Source And The Evidence - How much should you trust the source that you got the information from? Do they have a reputation of giving factual information? Can you find the information on any other sources? Or maybe someone is yelling about something online, but they’ve failed to add a link. It might make sense to trust what a well established researcher says without a source for their information, but maybe not some random person on twitter. Even if you have a primary source for where the information came from, it’s good to be cautious of the information itself. Sometimes false information is spread around on purpose or because of misunderstandings. 
What Is Being Excluded - Because biases exist, it is always possible that the source you are getting your information from is excluding more information either by accident or on purpose. To avoid missing information about a topic, it's good to check multiple sources and see if any have information that the others didn’t. A simple example of this would be two children playing on a playground. Child A pushes Child B, who gets hurt. When asked about what happened, Child A would say that Child B got hurt, but exclude the fact that it was their fault to avoid getting in trouble. Meanwhile, Child B and any bystanders would likely provide that information. 
What Is The Other Side Of The Issue And Why Does It Exist - You don’t have to agree with other sides of an argument, but it’s very important to be able to understand what they are, who thinks that way, and why they think that way. This will help you to see other points of view and counter any points they make in a discussion with understanding rather than anger or frustration. This is also important because it can expand your own opinions and judgments on a topic. Maybe the other side has points that you have never considered before, but now thinking about them has developed your own beliefs.
Avoid Black And White Thinking - Remember that the world does not exist in a good/bad duality. Everything will have problems, and the things that have problems might even have benefits. The world and its problems exist on a grayscale. To incorporate this into your thinking, try to understand *why* someone or something is doing something, the impacts it may have on multiple different communities, who it helps, and who it hinders. It's important to understand all facets of something before you form your opinion, otherwise you may be lacking very important details.
Don’t Forget To Fact Check - Never trust just one source, no matter how reliable it is! I usually recommend finding the information from at least 3 different sources before you confirm whether it's true or not!
Be Willing To Change Your Mind - Part of being a critical thinker that is often forgotten about is remembering to keep an open mind. Because critical thinking is based on the practice of learning new information, understanding it, and then forming/linking ideas, it is an opportunity to grow and change. You may start out advocating for one thing, but then through time, experience, and thinking, end up advocating for something slightly (or majorly) different. That is more than okay, and it's a sign of growth and maturity!
Resources to help learn how to think critically:
The Foundation for Critical Thinking https://www.criticalthinking.org/pages/index-of-articles/1021/
The University of Tennessee https://www.utc.edu/academic-affairs/walker-center-for-teaching-and-learning/thinkachieve/critical-thinking-resources
The Element of Thought https://theelementsofthought.org/further-exploration/links/thinking/
The Better Future Program https://www.betterfutureprogram.org/liberation-library.html
My entire masterlist can be found here!!
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does all the information on here have actual sources or is some of it ur own creation?
Does all the information here have sources?
Yep! Nothing is pulled out of thin air; it’s all rooted in genuine Doctor Who lore. Some of it is speculative with some creative license because it has to be, but everything is firmly based on established canon. I always prioritise canonical responses and specify when I’m being more theoretical.
🧠 How each area is approached ...
🗣️Language: The Gallifreyan language is a conlang, but whenever there’s a real word or concept in Doctor Who lore, I'll provide that first. I always specify when I have to default to the conlang if I can't provide canonical answers.
📅 Friday Facts: These are always hard, real facts, and I always provide a source.
🧬 Biology: I work in medicine, so this is my special interest. It's more comprehensively constructed than any other area. It bases itself on almost every mention of Gallifreyan and Time Lord biology in any medium, supported by anatomical textbooks, online medical databases, and multiple learning resources. All sources are cross-referenced and analysed, ensuring that the biological systems are both true to Doctor Who lore and scientifically rationalised.
💭 Hypothetical Questions: For random questions like "How do Gallifreyans view balloon animals?" or "Do Gallifreyans wear Speedos?" where there's literally no information at all in lore and probably never will be, I use known facts about Gallifreyan society and biology to create the most plausible answers (and before you ask, it's a personal preference for Speedos and balloon animals are just plain weird not matter what planet you're on).
📚 The sources used include ...
My Brain
Rassilon, Omega, and That Other Guy x (information found here is located in the original source and checked)
TARDIS Wiki x (information found here is located in the original source and checked)
Tardis Technical Index x
Parkin, L. and Pearson, L., 2018. Ahistory: An Unauthorized History of the Doctor Who Universe. Volumes 1-3. 4th ed. Mad Norwegian Press. x x x
Reference Guide x
Discontinuity Guide x
Chrissie’s Transcripts x
Standring, S. 2020. Gray’s Anatomy: The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice. Gray’s Anatomy. x
Tortora, G. and Derrickson, B., 2017. Tortora's Principles of anatomy & physiology. 15th ed. Wiley. x
Waugh, A. and Grant, A., 2018. Ross & Wilson anatomy and physiology in health and illness. 13th ed. Edinburgh: Elsevier. x
BMJ Best Practice x
British National Formulary (BNF) x
ClinicalKey x
Skills for Health x
Osmosis from Elsevier x
Oxford Medical Handbooks x
Patient for Medical Professional x
You can find the source list for canonical references at the bottom of every post, including this one.
It's currently moving along with the anatomy guide, so right now, it's only focused on biology and is a WIP. This source list extracts and examines the relevant information in the DW EU directly from the primary source to help support anatomical concepts. Each extract is contextually checked. It's all ridiculously academic.
🔍 Then there's the evidence hierarchy ...
Because Doctor Who is such a ridiculous universe with a million conflicting sources, I use an evidence hierarchy to harmonise and prioritise information. The highest priority is at the top:
TV Show: Classic and New series are of joint importance, including animations and info on lost episodes. Any conflicts are sorted on a case-by-case basis.
Spin-offs and Extended Broadcast Media: Full spin-off series (Torchwood, SJA, Class, etc.), BBC-produced minisodes, animations, cartoons, trailers, and charity broadcasts.
BBC Books/Audio: BBC-produced main book ranges, audios, and comics.
Big Finish: Main ranges, crossovers, spin-offs. Excludes alternate universe stories like Doctor Who Unbound and Death Comes to Time.
Other BBC-Licensed Material: Books, audios, comics, and board games. Includes Virgin New Adventures, IDW and Titan ranges, and other BBC-licensed content, plus anything that got deleted from above.
Proximal Sources: Production team comments and other relevant but less reliable sources.
At any point, the answers I give could be invalidated by new releases, but at the time of posting, they’re the most likely and detailed responses you could get. I would absolutely detail every source on Tumblr if I could, but I just don't have the time because unfortunately, this isn’t my full-time job 😭 However, the Anatomy and Physiology Guide will be fully referenced when released.
🎉 So, what's GIL all about?
Essentially, GIL is designed to be a kind of information point where you can ask the weirdest, dumbest, and most intriguing questions and I'll try my best to provide accurate and comprehensive answers that align most with established lore. As mentioned, I specialise particularly in Gallifreyan biology, but I'll take pretty much anything.
Why? I have no idea. Help me.
Any purple text is educated guesswork or theoretical. More content ... →📫Got a question? | 📚Complete list of Q+A and factoids →😆Jokes |🩻Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts →🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (pending) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP) →📜Masterpost If you're finding your happy place in this part of the internet, feel free to buy a coffee to help keep our exhausted human conscious. She works full-time in medicine and is so very tired 😴
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slytherinshua · 5 months ago
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GROUP NAME: BOYNEXTDOOR (often abbreviated BND or Bonedo)
DEBUT DATE: May 30th, 2023
DEBUT SONG: One and Only
COMPANY: KOZ Entertainment
Spotify playlist with all BOYNEXTDOOR songs
Youtube playlist with all MVs in order
They are the first group to debut under KOZ; a subsidiary label of HYBE formed by Zico (leader of the 2nd gen group Block B). They have a close relationship with Zico, even though he is the CEO of their agency. He is also involved in the writing and production of all of BOYNEXTDOOR's albums thus-far.
Their first 3 albums: Who! Why.. and How? are part of a trilogy and include BOYNEXTDOOR's simple storyline. (in chronological order: Who!, How?, Why.., although How? was released after Why..) The albums encapsulate the story of falling in love, being in love, and breaking up. Even the album designs and colours coordinate, with Who! being a bright blue, Why.. being a deep magenta, and How? being a gradient of the two colours along with orange.
They got their first win on September 12th, 2023 with But Sometimes on THE SHOW. They've since bagged 5 music show wins total, 2 with But sometimes, and 3 with Earth Wind & Fire.
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BIRTHDAY: December 4th, 2003
HEIGHT: 177cm (5'10)
He has an older brother.
He was a former trainee at YG.
He likes playing soccer.
He was the last member to join the group.
He participates in writing lyrics and composing BOYNEXTDOOR songs. He writes his own raps, and has written some for remixes of songs, such as Le Sserafim's Smart and X Japan's Endless Rain.
He is the MC on M Countdown with Sung Hanbin from ZEROBASEONE and Sohee from RIIZE.
Jaehyun can be very shy, but he's also extremely extroverted and loud. He has amazing charisma on stage and can always capture the audience's attention.
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BIRTHDAY: September 4th, 2003
HEIGHT: 173cm (5'8)
He has an older brother.
He has a pet cat named Simba.
His nicknames are "shoulders" because he has very broad shoulders, "top gun" (given by the members), and "yeppi" because he is very pretty.
He likes to try out different cafes.
He is the best vocalist in BOYNEXTDOOR.
He has bad eyesight so he wears contacts.
He was in a band in middle school.
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BIRTHDAY: October 22nd, 2003
HEIGHT: 170cm (5'7)
He has an older brother and a younger brother.
The members nicknamed him 우리 리우 (Our Riwoo).
He has a pomeranian named Daebak-i.
He loves desserts, especially donuts.
He is the best dancer in BOYNEXTDOOR.
He seems cold at first, but he is actually really sweet and easy to become friends with.
He took part in multiple dance talent shows before debut and has taken dance classes at different schools.
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BIRTHDAY: August 10th, 2004
HEIGHT: 182cm (6'0)
He has a younger brother and a younger sister.
Taesan participates in the writing and composing of BOYNEXTDOOR's songs. He has also written some of his own songs, but hasn't released them yet. He started writing music when he was in 10th grade
His music taste was influences by his father, who was a big fan of old bands and musicians. Taesan likes NIRVANA, The Carpenters, Oasis and Richard Sanderson.
He likes to read and play the piano. He prefers reading to watching movies or Youtube.
He trained under Source music, and was a trainee for 7 years; the longest amongst the members.
His nickname is "Giant Mountain" because that is what Taesan stands for.
He came up with BOYNEXTDOOR's official greeting.
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BIRTHDAY: October 20th, 2004
HEIGHT: 180cm (5'11)
REPRESENTATIVE EMOJI: 🦁 (formerly 🍤, 🦐 or 🐠)
He has an older sister.
He loves fishes and plants. His favourite fish are corydoras and he has several in the dorm. He often zones out while watching his fish tank, and he can talk for hours about them. He assigned each member with different fishes as well.
He's a very positive person and a very good listener. The members usually seek him out for advice, and his nickname is "the therapist of KOZ".
He loves gummies and would rather eat them than a real meal.
He did taekwondo since he was 5, and even won medals in city competitions. He quit when he was in 8th grade.
He's often described as the weirdest member because his habits and hobbies are quite unique from the rest.
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BIRTHDAY: November 29th, 2006
HEIGHT: 182cm (6'0)
He has a younger sister. He says his sister is his favourite person in the world and he misses her a lot since he is so busy.
He's close with Daniel from I-LAND.
He loves basketball and he's a big fan of Michael Jordon.
He participates in writing and composing BOYNEXTDOOR songs.
He loves people and is very affectionate towards the members. He takes good care of them despite being the maknae, and he says his strength is making people feel good.
When KOZ came to Woonhak's school for auditions, he had slept in and missed them. But the company contacted him and told him that they wanted him to audition, so he went to the company and ended up signing under them.
He was the Inkigao MC with Yeonjun from TXT and Park Jihu.
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mbti-notes · 4 months ago
with regards to learning it may be important to know about IEOD(illusion of explanation depth) which may sometimes lead us to believe we understand more about the world than we think this can be especially true for those with an intuitive preference i write this because I've fallen for it too I hope this helps
I have discussed such learning problems in previous posts. After spending many years teaching, tutoring, and coaching students from a variety of backgrounds, in a variety of subjects, it never ceases to amaze me just how little people understand about learning. I believe that basic knowledge of learning theory is necessary for optimizing the learning process, if one hopes to be a good student of anything.
With so much information at the fingertips, it's more important than ever that people are mindful about how they learn. Being in the role of "student" is hard because you're a newbie and you're ignorant and you don't know the best way to tackle a big subject. Without a good teacher or an expert to guide you, you might come to rely on dubious sources of information, misinterpret what you read, misapply the ideas, or hit a seemingly insurmountable block/plateau.
Unfortunately, there are not enough good teachers to go around. Unfortunately, many teachers in public education are tasked with "babysitting" rather than teaching, to the detriment of learning. As a result, too many students get to high school, i.e., into adulthood, without a solid foundation of study skills.
Just recently, I was helping a twelfth grade student with essay writing. Being a good student, they couldn't understand why they kept getting low marks in writing despite putting a lot of effort into the assignments. Turns out, they kept submitting summaries of the literature when the teacher was explicitly asking for analysis of the literature. When I brought this problem to their attention, they were even more confused, because they thought they had been doing analysis all along. They had no clue that there was a difference between summary and analysis, so they were incapable of getting to the level of depth that the teacher was demanding.
One of the first things I often have to do with students is explain the difference between lower order vs higher order learning. Lower order learning is usually enough to pass the class throughout K-12 or achieve basic competency. Higher order learning moves people into expert territory. Without a clear vision of what they should be aspiring to, students tend to get stuck in lower order learning.
The difference between lower and higher order learning is neatly summarized by Bloom's Taxonomy, a conceptual framework for evaluating cognitive/intellectual ability. It breaks down the learning process into six categories/levels: 1) remember, 2) understand, 3) apply, 4) analyze, 5) evaluate, 6) create. Since it's hard to quantify exactly what's happening in a student's mind during learning, this framework helps by asking concrete questions about what the student can or cannot do.
My student got stuck at level 2 when the average requirement for the class was 4. They gave me a sample essay that their teacher considered to be "excellent" and it was easily at 5. While they could "feel" that there was a difference between their own essay and the excellent essay, they weren't able to articulate the difference at all.
One learning problem that people, Ns especially, often suffer is that they tend to get ahead of themselves, which is related to illusion of explanation depth. It's basically trying to run before walking. For example:
they believe "gist" is enough and dismiss details
they conflate knowing (theory) and doing (real world)
they judge/conclude without proper analysis
they try to create without mastering the basics
The above problems arise when a person doesn't realize how much they don't know (and in the case of an unhealthy personality, they refuse to acknowledge it). My student (N) is a good example. They believed that being able to do level 2 stuff (paraphrase, summarize, interpret, give examples) qualified as level 4 "analysis" and that this meant they had "mastered" the material. They simply didn't know any better or that more was possible. It wasn't until I explained to them the differences between lower and higher order learning that they began to realize how low-level their writing actually was.
I've talked before about the differences between a good student vs a good learner. A simple way to think about it: A good student is preoccupied with proving how much they know, so they are mainly motivated by extrinsic rewards or egotistical gain. By contrast, a good learner is preoccupied with how much they don't know, so they are mainly motivated by intrinsic rewards or intellectual humility that naturally breeds intellectual curiosity.
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allthingsfangirl101 · 2 years ago
Her Voice–Steve Harrington
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Steve woke up to someone reciting different mathematical formulas. He looked around, completely and utterly confused. He continued to listen to the voice as they memorized those formulas that seemed a little familiar to Steve.
He got ready for the day, the voice not stopping. Whoever it was whose voice he was hearing, was clearly nervous about a calculus test she had today. Steve wished he could say something to help calm her down. As he drove to school, he listened to her go through her study guide.
It was clear to Steve that she was going to pass the test. He couldn't help but smile as he listened to her continue to mumble her formulas. Once he got to school, he ignored his friends and focused on listening to her voice.
Steve jumped when the locker next to his was kicked. He looked over to see Carol and Tommy smirking at him.
"What's wrong with you?"
"Us?" Carol giggled. "What about you?"
"You were just having an intense staring contest with your locker," Tommy scoffed.
"I was just. . ." Steve said, clearing his throat. "I started. . ."
"Let me guess," Carol said in a sing-songy voice, "you started hearing Her Voice."
"Ohhhhhhhh," Tommy laughed. "Can she hear your voice yet?"
"I don't know," Steve shrugged as he shoved things into his locker. He lowered his voice as he added, "I haven't tried yet."
Tommy just scoffed as he hit Steve's shoulder and walked away. Carol was about to follow him but stopped.
"Hey," she said, the tone of her voice changing. "I know this is all scary and overwhelming, but it's not meant to be bad. Once you start hearing their voice, it's up to you if you want to reach out. And once you do, you won't regret it."
"You sound like you come from experience."
He meant it as a joke but he stopped laughing when he saw the look on her face. "You've reached out to yours?" Steve asked. He glanced over at Tommy before looking back at Carol. "And it isn't Tommy?"
"Before you give me the protective-best-friend act," she sighed, "relax. It's not like I've done anything or cheated on Tommy."
"I believe you," Steve shrugged. To be honest, he didn't really care about Carol's and Tommy's relationship. It's always been more. . . sexual than anything else.
"Besides, sometimes it's nice having someone to talk to about real things," Carol added before finally leaving to go catch up with Tommy. Steve thought about what she said as he slowly closed his locker. He leaned against it and debated. He took a shaky breath as he decided to just go for it.
Good luck on your test, he thought.
He was walking to class, his heart practically in his throat. It officially made the jump when he heard a small chuckle.
Thanks, her voice came through softly.
                                * * * * *
Steve froze when he heard his soulmate's voice again. This time, it sounded different. It sounded nearby. He looked around, searching for the source of the voice in his head. He stopped, his heart jumping into his throat when his eyes finally landed on her.
He recognized her as Y/N. She and Steve have grown up together. Not as friends. Not even really as acquaintances. They've been in several classes together every year growing up. He knew of her, but he didn't really know her.
Could she be the one? Is nerdy Y/N really his soulmate?
Right as she looked up, he quickly tucked into the nearest hallway. He held his breath, not sure where to go or what to do.
There was no way she was going to accept him. Y/N has never gotten a B on anything. Steve is barely passing his classes.
Why would Hawkins High's smartest student want anything to do with the basketball jockey known for his three-throws and hair?
And what was he supposed to do? Walk over to her, interrupt her studying for one of her AP classes, and ask if she wanted to go out with a C-average student?
He ran his fingers through his hair as he rounded the corner. His stomach bungee jumped into his stomach when he ran into someone. The chord broke when Steve looked up and saw Y/N staring at him.
"Hi," he stuttered.
"Sorry," she stuttered, looking down at the textbooks in her arms. Steve felt weird when he saw how tightly she was holding her books. "I wasn't looking where I was going. I'm sorry, Steve."
"It wasn't your fault," he said quickly. "I was the moron who bolted around the corner. I know we don't really know each other, but are you alright?"
Y/N looked up at Steve "the Hair" Harrington, unable to hide her surprise.
"I'm fine," she said slowly. She tightened her hold on her books, unable to maintain eye contact with Steve. He wasn't offended by it. He thought it was adorable.
He opened his mouth to say something, but Y/N spoke up first. "I should probably. . . The bell is going to ring."
Steve stuttered as she walked past him. He needed to get her to stay. She was his soulmate.
"I heard you," Steve blurted. He held his breath as Y/N slowly turned around.
"I heard you studying this morning," he said, the little bit of confidence he had now up in flames.
"This morning?" She stuttered. "Steve, what are you talking about?"
"I can hear your voice in my head, Y/N."
"No," she said under her breath. "Really? Because that means. . ."
"This morning you were reciting formulas," he explained. "You spent the entire way to school studying your notes and spouting off the formulas you clearly already had memorized."
"If you can hear me in your head. . . That means. . ."
Steve stepped a little closer to her, not wanting to throw himself at her. He slowly reached down and grabbed one of her hands. He gave her every chance to pull away. His chest tightened when she didn't move away from him.
"We're soulmates?" She asked, her voice under her breath as she looked up at him.
"It would seem so," Steve chuckled.
The two stared at each other, neither one of them really sure what to say. Y/N looked down and studied their intertwined hands. Her face burned, unable to stop herself from noticing how well their hands fit together.
"Now what?" She asked under her breath. "I know as soulmates we need to start thinking about what's next for us, but it seems kinda. . . Too soon."
"Then how about a date?"
Y/N looked up at Steve, completely shocked to see him smiling at her.
"Are you sure?" She stuttered.
"Of course," he shrugged, pulling her closer. "Instead of thinking about what's next and our future, let's focus on tonight. Dinner, just you and me so we can get to know each other better."
His stomach lurched when he saw the look on her face. "Is something wrong?" He asked.
"It's just. . ." She looked down at their hands, suddenly embarrassed. Steve reached over and used his other hand to lift her chin.
"Talk to me," he whispered. "Please, soulmate?"
Y/N blushed at the nickname. She took a shaky breath as she slowly gathered her courage. She didn't want to embarrass herself in front of her soulmate.
"Promise you won't laugh?"
"Of course not," Steve said quickly as he let go of her chin. "You can tell me anything. Do you not want to go out with me? Is it something Tommy said? Or Carol? Did Carol say something to you, Y/N?"
"No," she stuttered, surprised by his sudden anger toward his friends. "It's just. . . It's a school night. I don't want to be out late."
Y/N held her breath as she waited for Steve to laugh in her face. Instead, he smiled as he pulled her closer. He wrapped his arms around Y/N's waist and smirked when he felt her book pressed between them.
"Good point," he said without an ounce of judgment. "How about Friday night?"
"I could do Friday night," Y/N shrugged. She bit her bottom lip, hesitating. When she found the courage she added, "We don't have to wait until then."
"What did you have in mind?"
"Lunch tomorrow?" She offered.
"I'll meet you out here."
Y/N's stomach dropped. She was about to pull away but couldn't move. "Because you don't want to be seen with me," she mumbled, studying her shoes.
"No!" Steve said quickly. He grabbed her chin again, making her look up at him. "Y/N, I'm not embarrassed to be seen with you."
"Then why do you want to have lunch in the quad and not inside with everyone else?"
"Because I wanted to be able to focus on learning everything about you without being interrupted by stupid people," Steve said, dropping his voice and slowly letting go of her face. "Let me make something perfectly clear to you. I'm not embarrassed that you're my soulmate, Y/N. I'm embarrassed that I'm your soulmate."
"Wait, what? You're embarrassed for me?" Y/N asked under her breath.
"Because you're the smartest girl in school," Steve chuckled, "and your soulmate is a basketball star that is barely passing his classes."
"I could help you study," she shrugged. Steve pulled her in closer, tightening his arms around her waist. He smiled as she slowly snaked her arm that wasn't holding her book around his neck.
"You'd really be willing to do that?"
"Of course," she smiled. "Sometimes it's easier to. . ."
Steve cut her off by gently kissing her. She sucked in a breath, surprised by his sudden burst of confidence. It took her a second but she eventually started kissing him back.
"I'm sorry," he whispered, breaking the kiss. "I told myself we would take this slow. Whatever lace you want. The last thing I want to do is push you or force you. . ."
It was Y/N's turn to cut him off. She stood on her toes and pressed her lips to his. Steve instantly kissed her back, tightening his arms around her as their lips moved in sync. They broke apart, both of them out of breath.
"So lunch tomorrow?" Y/N asked, her voice soft. Steve smiled as he reached up and tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear.
"I promise," he said sweetly, "I won't be late."
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philocalistherz · 2 months ago
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«──« ⋅ʚ study methods ɞ⋅ »──»
➴ September 28, 2024. ₊˚ෆ
ೃ⁀➷ reading’s menu ༉‧₊
💭— a table to study complex subjects and prepare essays about it. May contain main or secondary arguments, other’s sources / authors referenced and key words, important dates or works quoted.
𖥔 First column: name of the book or article i’m referencing or reading.
𖥔 Second column: key points with color code.
𖥔 Third column: questions that pop out through the lecture / questions to consult the professor.
𖥔 Fourth column: terminology and its meaning to the author in particular.
𖥔 Fifth column: page count.
🤍 c o l o r • c o d e x 🤍
𖥔 B4DAF9 [baby blue]
— main argument.
𖥔 FEE1E8 [soft pink]
— reference to another author / work.
𖥔 DBE6DB [baby green]
— Key words.
𖥔 F9E9D5 [coral]
— doubts to consult.
𖥔 BC96CD [lavender]
— secondary argument.
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ೃ⁀➷ anatomy of a good essay༉‧₊
💭— A tactical guide to approach whatever essay. Function as a template for redacting one.
𖥔 title and quote related to the subject.
🤍 i n t r o d u c t i o n 🤍
𖥔 hook line: grab the attention with a simple phrase, don’t formulate closed questions.
𖥔 context: background information and general panoramic about the object of study (what, who, when, why and how)
𖥔 statement: includes the topics and highlights important arguments and point.
🤍 b o d y • p a r a g r a p h 🤍
𖥔 theory: personal point of argument.
𖥔 evidence: examples that support the theory.
𖥔 connection: associations between your points and the authors points, can be in favor or not.
𖥔 interrelation: a link to the conclusion section.
🤍 c o n c l u s i o n s 🤍
𖥔 statement: condense your point or argument
𖥔 summary: key points and statements all around the document in a conclusion.
𖥔 double hook: let your professor wanting more without leaving loose ends.
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ೃ⁀➷ blurting method ༉‧₊
💭 — An useful tool to complex and extent subjects, it can work well with another type of studies. You’ll need the following:
𖥔 name the block: assign a general title about what are you studying right now.
𖥔 material: observe and read two or three times the texts to mark with the color code.
𖥔 memory game: set aside your text and notes and grab a blank page to write down everything that you remember from the notes in consistent sentences.
𖥔 look back: read your notes and add with another color the information that you missed, use this time to look external sources and find meanings/ simpler synonyms of important concepts.
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ೃ⁀➷ feynman technique ༉‧₊
💭 — an active way to remember and comprehend complex subjects, can be alone but functions well with a study group.
𖥔 the topic: choose one of the themes that the academic program has, a complete subject. Apply the blurting method or your notes from the reading’s menu.
𖥔 go down to earth: explain on paper or in a whiteboard the subject like you were speaking to a child.
𖥔 revision: compare the explanation paper with your notes and with another color of pen write missed key points.
𖥔 crumble: to a final revision an repeat the process until you can do it without consulting your notes or menu.
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ೃ⁀➷ crow method ༉‧₊
💭— an organization guide to save time and study puntual subjects without (sometimes) distraction.
𖥔 collect: find all the themes, sub jets and topics discussed in class and classify them in order of importance / apparition.
𖥔 prioritize: annotate due dates and set reminders with alarms at least for 2 days before the due time; again organize this information in order of importance.
𖥔 construct: mark the most heavy is difficult subjects, units, the dates of important tests and alternate with simpler activities, don’t forget include spare time to take some rest.
𖥔 rank: make space for maximum 2 study sessions per day, balancing your personal life with you study life. try to always separate your spaces, study outside bed.
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[ last updated September 28, 2024]
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rabbitindisguise · 1 month ago
happy adhd awareness month!
I'm not gonna lie, I saw posts that reminded me I've been meaning to do a self dx post for adhd since 2 minutes ago (when I realized I could channel my energy into something fun and exciting)
Anyways, this post comes in two parts:
ADHD diagnostic criteria a) literal criteria b) discussion of the meaning of various terms and how they relate to everyday experiences
ADHD community terms a) executive dysfunction b) neurodivergent c) hyperfocus/hyperfixation
bonus content: a) getting diagnosed b) stim toys and other accessibility aids c) accommodations d) bonus literature
diagnostic criteria
Symptoms and/or behaviors that have persisted ≥ 6 months in ≥ 2 settings (e.g., school, home, church). Symptoms have negatively impacted academic, social, and/or occupational functioning. In patients aged < 17 years, ≥ 6 symptoms are necessary; in those aged ≥ 17 years, ≥ 5 symptoms are necessary. Symptoms present prior to age 12 years. Symptoms not better accounted for by a different psychiatric disorder. Symptoms may be classified as mild, moderate, or severe based on symptom severity.
Hyperactive type - ADHD-H
Patient meets inattentive criterion, but not hyperactive/impulse criterion, for the past 6 months.
Hyperactive Symptoms:
Squirms when seated or fidgets with feet/hands
Marked restlessness that is difficult to control
Appears to be driven by “a motor” or is often “on the go”
Lacks ability to play and engage in leisure activities in a quiet manner
Incapable of staying seated in class
Overly talkative
Impulsive Symptoms:
Difficulty waiting turn
Interrupts or intrudes into conversations and activities of others
Impulsively blurts out answers before questions completed
Inattentive type - ADHD-I
Patient meets inattentive criterion, but not hyperactive/impulse criterion, for the past 6 months.
Inattentive Symptoms:
Displays poor listening skills
Loses and/or misplaces items needed to complete activities or tasks
Sidetracked by external or unimportant stimuli
Forgets daily activities
Diminished attention span
Lacks ability to complete schoolwork and other assignments or to follow instructions
Avoids or is disinclined to begin homework or activities requiring concentration
Fails to focus on details and/or makes thoughtless mistakes in schoolwork or assignments
Combined type - ADHD-C
Patient meets both inattentive and hyperactive/impulsive criteria for the past 6 months.
source: DSM-5 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition; ADHD: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (via aafp.org)
Changes made in the DSM-5 update:
Overall, the revised diagnostic criteria of the DSM-5 do not fundamentally change the concept of ADHD. However, the definition of the disorder has been updated, to more accurately characterise adults affected by ADHD. In all previous versions, ADHD was depicted as a disorder affecting mainly children, and to a lesser extent adolescents, but not adults. Hence, the wording of the 18 symptoms, and corresponding examples, was appropriate for assessing mainly school-age children. With the DSM-5, efforts have been made to more appropriately guide clinicians when assessing adult ADHD. These changes are based on two decades of research, which show that, although ADHD is a childhood-onset disorder, the core symptoms and resulting impairments can persist into adulthood, and continue to have a significant impact on everyday life. Box 1. The most important changes to the diagnostic criteria for ADHD in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition [bulleted list below]
ADHD grouped with other neurodevelopmental disorders, rather than with behavioural disorders
Subtypes changed to presentations
Age of onset increased from seven to 12 years
For adults and adolescents aged 17 and above, only five symptoms now required instead of the six needed for younger children
New symptom examples added
Updated definition of situational pervasiveness
Definitions of ADHD severity added
Autism spectrum disorder removed as an exclusion criterion
Mild ADHD is defined as having no, or only a few, symptoms in excess of those required for making the diagnosis. At the other end of the spectrum, severe ADHD requires either many symptoms in excess of the minimum required, several very severe present symptoms or a very high degree of social or occupational impairment. Individuals with moderate ADHD are between the two extremes, either in terms of the number of ADHD symptoms or the level of impairment. Although this initiative is praiseworthy, in that it defines terms that are already in use but lack specifications, the definitions are not particularly specific or operationalised. It could also be argued that adults with persisting ADHD may have a more severe form of the disorder; this has not been incorporated in the definitions of severity, despite the fact that adults with ADHD often have more problematic outcomes.
(source Hayward Medical Communications 2015, ADHD IN PRACTICE 2015; Vol 7 No 2 - warning, pdf download link!)
others mentioned here
ADHD Rating Scale IV (ADHD-RS-IV) With Adult Prompts
Adult ADHD Clinical Diagnostic Scale (ACDS) v1.2
Adult ADHD Investigator Rating Scale (AISRS)
Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS) v1.1
Adult ADHD Self-Report Screening Scale for DSM-5 (ASRS DSM-5) Screener
Adult ASRS Symptom Checklist v1.1
Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS-11)
Brown Attention-Deficit Disorder Symptom Assessment Scale (BADDS) for Adults
Clinical Global Impression (CGI)
Conners’ Adult ADHD Rating Scales (CAARS)
Diagnostic Interview for ADHD in Adults (DIVA) 2.0
Wender Utah Rating Scale (WURS)
Discussion of terms:
Fidgets: picking at the skin around fingernails, tapping fingers/bouncing leg, tipping chairs, changing seating position frequently (more than once every ten minutes is too much), stimming, using a fidget toy, touching face, doodling, etc
Restlessness: the feeling of wanting to move, change activities, get up, or struggling to be satisfied by doing the same thing.
"driven by a motor" phrases: basically not wanting to take breaks because it'll be distracting, as far as I can tell. Busy as a bee, etc. Not wanting to (or being able to, or noticing) pause while speaking, not wanting to speak to someone while walking to something else despite being in no rush, etc.
Listening skills: paying attention without needing to doodle or imagining funny scenarios in your head the whole time. Might include being able to answer questions when asked about what they were listening to, responding when prompted, and looking in the person's general vicinity.
Unimportant stimuli: things not related to what someone *should* be focused on. Like if you're in school and you're distracted by a bus going by out the window, or if you get distracted by the sound the lights make while trying to focus on what the cashier is saying.
Daily activities: eating, sleeping, using the bathroom, doing chores (sweeping, laundry, shopping), getting dressed, etc
Completes schoolwork: includes answering every question you know the answer to, fully, and doing all the steps to questions as well as filling in required fields like name/date/etc.
Thoughtless mistakes: typos, spelling your name wrong, wrong fonts, forgetting to attach the bibliography, doing basic addition wrong on an algebra problem, etc.
In many of self-scorers there are questions like: "How often do you have problems remembering appointments or obligations?"
This is a very "but I have a system!" question. It might help to understand the neurotypical expeirence here.
Neurotypicals do not struggle to remember appointments, unless they have so many of them that it would be difficult for anyone to keep track of. If they have one appointment this week, they are not setting eight alarms or putting stickynotes everywhere. They say "oh! I have an appointment." And then go to that appointment. That's it. It doesn't take a lot of energy to remember. They don't have to repeat it in their head every chance they get to remember it. They haven't tried three different planner systems in the past year or struggle to stay with them. They don't religiously check google calendar every day. They simply know they have an appointment, and (assuming nothing weird like they're a secretary managing 9 clients or they got a cold) they remember it. All of these questions are pretty much like this. If you've had to struggle to do something most of the time and still fail, the answer is you have problems "most of the time." It's not the amount of times you have failed to remember.
ADHD community terms
Executive dysfunction
Not specific to ADHD, this term describes something that both people with depression and people with ADHD struggle with (though often for different reasons). People with ADHD tend to put off tasks until the last minute, struggle to finish things, and have a difficulty doing something when they need to. It can have a severe impact on someone with ADHD and their ability to do things in their daily life. Having executive dysfunction is one of the (many) reasons why ADHD is considered a disability.
One person (Dr. Russell Barkley) has a theory that ADHD should be reclassified to be a disorder of executive dysfunction, but aside from being a useful tool to understand ADHD it doesn't explain many of the other symptoms or why they are presented the way they are. In particular: it doesn't explain many of the concepts that folks with ADHD have developed to talk about our experiences with each other, and how folks with ADHD tend to have less issues with executive dysfunction in settings where openly expressing ADHD symptoms is perfectly fine. It also understands ADHD through the lens of a disorder that's wholly maladaptive and dysfunctional, an understanding not shared by everyone in the community.
This is a term coined primarily by the autistic community. It describes autism (and other types of neurodivergence, things that diverge from the norm/"the typical" aka neurotypical) outside of the idea of the medical model. [Autistics in particular has faced a lot of inhumane treatment in schools and by the psychiatric system under abusive (and legal) things like ABA (applied behavioral analysis) and shock therapy. Autistics have fought for the right to openly stim, to not make eye contact, and to communicate while being non-speaking for decades. This has pushed back against the medicalization of autism, and the process of diagnosis not involving autistics in the creation of the criteria or what treatments (if any) should be approved for autistics.] This overall philosophy promotes the idea that neurodivergent people should not be stigmatized, and should exist as equal members of society regardless of how their symptoms present.
People with ADHD were early adopters of this concept (maybe because of the high rates of comobidity of autism and adhd). As a result, many of the concepts feature heavily in the language and strategies for ADHD- especially online. Along with alternative methods of orgnization (many small trash cans, two laundry bins, etc), you'll often find people with ADHD discussing stim toys and things like that.
Hyperfocus describes one aspect of difficulty regulating focus. Basically: during hyperfocus a person struggles to pay attention to things outside of the thing that's taking up their attention.
More specifically they lose awareness of signals like hunger, exhaustion, the need to pee, and can even struggle to hear someone calling for their attention. If they do try to stop focusing on the thing they're focused on, they might still struggle to pay attention- even as they try to hold a conversation or go make a meal, they might be distracted by thoughts about the thing they were focused on before. This might lead to doing things incorrectly (like putting on shoes without socks or putting toothpaste in the freezer). With such acute focus someone with adhd can create art quickly with a lot of detail, discover a lot of information on a topic, and even learn new practical skills. It can also provide a lot of joy and accomplishment to someone, and improve self confidence.
A hyperfixation is the subject of hyperfocus, either once (hours) or over longer period of time (weeks, months, years). It can be anything from abstract (like a favorite subject) to specific and grounded in reality (like a hobby), or broad (a time period) to specific (a particular beetle).
Hyperfixation was a term coined by the ADHD community to describe an experience that wasn't described in the medical literature about us that needed terminology. Hyperfocus is also an experience that is really important to folks with ADHD because it's often wrapped up in the "twice exceptional" narrative many people experience- having both amazing talents and terrible grades in subjects that don't interest them. On top of that, neurotypical adults treat kids with ADHD hyperfocusing as doing something wrong and punish them, when what they're doing is perfectly fine and isn't hurting anyone. A greater understanding of this concept has helped people work with how their mind works, rather than try to resist it and be "normal."
Bonus content
Getting diagnosed
fill out self scorers
interview your family and teachers with parent/teacher scorers (optional)
get you information together, like insurance, debit, and credit card information. They will ask you for your full name, your date of birth, your insurance information, any pre-existing conditions, your availability
find a local low/no-cost neuropsych testing facility near you. If you're currently in school, you're in luck! Many will refer you out to a low/no-cost testing facility. (Either way, the result is the same: these can be universities teaching students studying neuro-psychiatry, state sponsored programs, and more. Here's a solid comprehensive guide on getting low cost testing, as well as managing the costs associated with ADHD).
make it known that you would like to be assessed for ADHD to have it ruled out. That is the specific phrasing that you should use with everyone- do not claim you think you have anything, simply that you're concerned and wish to be assessed. Talk to your therapist, your parents, your pcp, your teacher- whoever it makes sense to contact, based on your prior research. If you were unable to find anything, then contacting the people who might have better access to information like your therapist or teacher would be best. (If you're not yet in therapy, getting into therapy would be a good idea.)
If all else fails, contact your insurance (if you have it). Testing can cost a lot of money and might not be worth the expense. You're still welcome in the ADHD community regardless of being diagnosed or not.
If you go to get assessed, here's what to expect:
you will likely have to fill out self scorers for lots of things, including things that don't apply to your situation like mood disorder evaluations to rule of depression. Your answers on these should not affect how you will be diagnosed with ADHD.
there will be a lot of weird things in full neuropsych evaluations, like repeating words back to them, or playing with blocks, or drawing shapes
they will pay attention to how you act in the room, so don't resist the impulse to fidget and feel free to ask to get up or take a break after an exercise
it may last under sixty minutes, but with a student it could take longer. I have 4+ hour sessions twice a week for a month, but not everyone has such an extreme experience (they had last minute additions that went beyond ADHD testing).
Tips for the day of testing:
do not bring your best self. Leave your best self at home. They need to see you at your usual or your worst to make an accurate assessment.
bring water. You will be talking a lot.
some information can help, like recent test performance and last semester teacher comments
comfortable clothing is best. T-shirt and jeans are totally fine.
prepare to be totally out of it when you leave, by bringing a snack or having someone you trust pick you up. It's mentally exhausting and makes you do all the things you avoid because they suck.
A neuropsych (or any type of ADHD evaluation) can help you get access to things you might not normally get, like medication (stimulants, typically), accommodations, and recommendations to your therapist about what to work on. It also can be shared with doctors and other therapists in the future so you don't have to worry about someone questioning your need for whatever it is they helped you get in the first place (like accommodations, etc).
In order to request accommodations through most colleges, you need a letter from a therapist of some kind requesting an accommodation in writing. Getting diagnosed for ADHD helps with this. Some accommodations you can request include:
time and a half on tests and quizzes
extensions of papers and projects
alternative assignments (i.e. oral exam over essays, different topics, etc)
excused absences
a notetaker
audio and/or video recordings of lectures
laptops in classes that don't ordinarily allow laptops
snacks in classes that don't ordinarily allow snacks (unless it poses a safety hazard, like in labs)
stim toys in class
and more
books on adhd:
You Mean I’m not Lazy, Stupid, or Crazy?!
Smart but Scattered Guide to ADHD
additude magazine
*looks at the clock* oh god it's 7 p.m. I've been trapped in making-a-long-post hell for four plus hours OTL but I'm finally free.
Anyway, I hope this helps and feel free to DM me if you want to know more. I got diagnosed with ADHD (combined type) back in late 2017 so I'm happy to talk about that with anyone who might be considering going through testing.
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agnerd-bot · 1 year ago
Fate Fanservant: Cinderella, Queen of All Fairy Tales(Ruler)
Ascension Stages:
First Stage: Cinderella is clad in an older, ragged cloak that covers most of her body. Faint hints of a scar can be seen on the left side of her face, but she has drawn her hood up to hide it from the world. Her clothes are older, ill-fitting and tearing in several places, but a faint aura of gold and white seems to surround her even in this state.
Second Stage: The cloak has been removed, and Cinderella is now dressed in a torn jacket and pants, parts of her body covered in bandages. On her body are several burn marks of black and red, covering a fair amount of her body. Her hair is pulled back, revealing a burn scar on the left side of her face. Most notably, her arms and legs have been burned almost completely black, akin to molten rock. Fire dances at her fingertips, and her face has taken a more downcast expression.
Final Stage: Cinderella’s ragged and torn clothes have been replaced with an ornate white and blue dress, and silver gloves and stockings with golden trim adorn her arms and legs. A pair of glass slippers gleam upon her feet, and a silver anklet shines on her leg. In her hands are a sword and shield made of the very same magical glass. Adorning her figure are various panes of glass, hovering around her to defend. Her scars are in full display now beneath the glass, but she bears her wounds with pride rather than shame.
First Ascension: I Dreamed A Dream (From "Les Misérables")
Queen of Fairy Tales Theme: Florence + the Machine - Dog Days Are Over
Battle Theme: Love the Subhuman Self [With Lyrics] (Millia Theme) - Guilty Gear Strive OST
Grand Battle Theme(VS Fenrir Riding Hood): Death Battle: Fireborn (From the Rooster Teeth Series) 
Class: Ruler
Alternate Class: Saber, Rider, Caster, Shielder
True Name: Cinderella/Rhodopis
Source: Fairy Tales
Region: Worldwide
Alignment: Lawful Good Attribute: Star
Known as: ATU 510A, Aschenputtel, Doricha, Le Fresne, Cenerentola, Cendrillon, Finette Cendron, Vasilisa, Ċiklemfusa, Katie Woodencloak, Ashey Pelt, Trembling, Nyasha, Settareh, Maha, Yè Xiàn, Tám, Chūjō-hime, Nagami, Damura, Bawang Putih, Jouanah, Pear Blossom, Maria, Oochigeaskw, The Cinder Maid, The Queen of All Fairy Tales, The Persecuted Heroine, Dream and Dreamer, Guardian of Happily Ever After
Voice Actress: Yuu Asakawa
Strength: B- Endurance: A++ Agility: B+ Mana: A+ Luck: EX NP: EX
Passive Skills:
Blessing of True Magic EX:
As a Servant intrinsically tied to magical powers protecting and guiding her, Cinderella boasts a Magic Resistance surpassed only by deities and saints. Her Magic Resistance grants her the ability to nullify nearly any spell used against her, barring any extreme circumstances. As a Servant who embodies the concept of 'happily ever after', any attempts at trying to destroy said happy ending will be outright nullified completely.
Interestingly, Cinderella's Blessing of True Magic seems to be a hybrid of an innate resistance to magical powers afforded to her by her status as a Ruler-class, and an unknown outside source of magical energy protecting her at all times. It is through this combination of her abilities that her Magic Resistance is so unusually high in comparison to most Servants.
(FGO Effect:) -Increases own debuff resistance by 25%. -Increases own buff removal resistance by 25%. -Grants self Buff Block immunity. -Charges own NP gauge by 7.5% when attacking with Buster Cards.
Item Construction(Fairy Tale) B:
As much of Cinderella's tale involves the use of magic to produce fanciful dresses, slippers of gold and glass, wondrous carriages, and so much more, she has the Item Construction skill applied to her by default. Using her magic, she can create numerous items out of seemingly nothing but junk or vegetation lying around the area, and can even transmute living creatures into other entities, such as changing mice and dogs into humans, or woodland creatures into mighty stallions.
However, many of these items can only last for a limited time, vanishing in a matter of hours, or even less, depending on how much power she puts into creating these items. When these items are present, though, they are often of the highest quality materials and efficiency, even when they are made from actual garbage.
(FGO Effect:) -Increases own buff success rate by 8%. -Increases own critical star generation rate by 8%.
Riding A+:
Due to her nature as a woman who can capture the heart of any beast or animal she chooses, Cinderella has an incredibly high Riding skill, even when manifesting as a Ruler Class Servant. Even the most rowdy of Phantasmal Beasts or Dragon Kind are willing to lend her their aid for short periods of time, with only almighty Divine Beasts being able to stand outside of her influence. If no animals are available for her to ride, she can also temporarily create steeds in the form of pumpkins, vines, and other inanimate objects.
Despite her unmatched talents at taming animals and plants, she often struggles with managing more modern vehicles compared to other Servants, hence why she lacks an EX Rank. This has done nothing to discourage her from trying, however, and she often dreams of being able to use more modern vehicles by herself someday.
“A motorcycle... So cool...! Yes, I will definitely learn how to use one someday! ...I hope.”
(FGO Effect:) -Increases own Quick performance by 12%.
On the Border of Reality and Fantasy EX:
In contrast to her husband, Prince Charming, who is a Servant that is wholly fictional, or to a Servant such as Marie Curie, who is undoubtedly a real person, Cinderella stands in a unique position. While the character of Cinderella is undoubtedly one borne from fantasy and fairy tales, records do show that there was once a person who existed that inspired one of the first versions of Cinderella: Rhodopis, a hetaera from the Sixth Century BC who served as a slave to the storyteller Aesop, and eventually married the King of Egypt.
Reality and Fantasy, Truth and Lies, Fact and Fiction. Cinderella is both and neither, an anomaly that walks along their borders without faltering. As a consequence of this dual existence, Cinderella stands outside of the usual constraints of the Summoning System. Even in a Singularity where heroes and fantasies have all but died, and even in a reality where no traces of Mana can hope to exist, Cinderella will still be able to manifest in some form.
She is both dream and dreamer, a fantasy who holds fantasies of her own, and a persecuted maiden that will forever wish for better things to come. The greatest heroine of all Fairy Tales, the almighty queen of stories new and old, to which all others must inevitably bow their heads to.
(FGO Effect:)  -Increases NP by 5% each turn. -Gain 5 Critical Stars each turn.
Queen of All Fairy Tales EX:
Among all other Fairy Tales, Cinderella is the one that can be most argued to be the most well-known throughout the world, with there being five hundred different variations known in Europe alone, and roughly eight hundred versions told around the world. Nearly any culture can look upon Cinderella and recognize her in some type of form. As a result, she has an ability akin to that of a Divine Core, a power granted to her by her status as Queen of All Fairy Tales.
As a Servant, Cinderella exists as an embodiment of the hopes and dreams of those who have suffered, those who have been lost, or those who feel trapped in a cruel and merciless life with which there seems to be no escape from.  She is the very concept of 'a miracle', someone who was able to escape her own horrible life and lay claim to her own happily ever after in the end. While her combat ability in her own stories was essentially nonexistent, as a Servant, she stands among the strongest to ever live due to how her story resonates with nearly all people across the world.
However, it is not power that grants her the legendary title, but rather her heart. Even in the face of the cruelty she was subject to for ages, her will was never truly broken. Even after years of abuse and hardship, she never truly lost her kindness.
A story so beloved and so enduring that multiple cultures can come up with it simultaneously and tell it in different ways, a story where the good are rewarded and escape their suffering, and where the wicked are stopped and made powerless, and a story where an abused, innocent girl is allowed her happily ever after.
(FGO Effect:)  -Increases own damage by 300. -Decreases damage taken by 300.
Active Skills:
The Persecuted Heroine EX:
After the death of her mother, Cinderella's father remarried to a wicked and cruel stepmother, who brought in her evil but beautiful stepdaughters. They stripped her of her clothes, forced her to eat and live in the kitchen, and made a slave of her, forcing her to work day and night at impossible tasks and making her sleep by the hearth in order to stay warm. When she woke up covered in cinders, her family gave her the mocking name of 'Cinderella'.
However, despite the suffering she had to go through, she still had a safe refuge in both the hazel tree she had planted by her mother's grave and the animals that she had befriended with her good heart. Through them, she was able to accomplish the impossible tasks her stepmother gave her each and every day, and with their gifts, she was able to attain the happiness she was denied in the end.
This manifests as a skill akin to Animal Communication, where Cinderella can communicate with wildlife as easily as one can communicate with people. Unlike Animal Communication, where the animals gain no real increase in intellect, this skill enchants the animals with magic, granting them greater thinking comparable to that of humanity and empowering them with magical abilities on par with an Anti-Army Noble Phantasm, allowing Cinderella to properly direct them in combat or combine them with her own magic. Or simply ask them to help her with chores.
Among the closest connections Cinderella has with her animal companions is that of a lone eagle, the very same bird from the tale of Rhodopis that stole her sandal and dropped it into the lap of the king. Even if no one else would answer her call, this noble bird will always come to aid her, even at the end of days.
(FGO Effect:) -Increase critical damage for all allies. -Gains critical stars based on the number of Animal-Characteristic allies. -Reduces own critical star absorption for 1 turn[Demerit].
The Stroke of Midnight B:
As the fairy tale goes, the magical dress and coach that was granted to Cinderella were astonishingly miraculous. They outshone every other person at the ball, gaining the attention and catching the heart of the kingdom's prince. She shone as if she was a beautiful angel from Heaven, and at the ball, her grace and beauty that was constantly trod upon by her abusive family was allowed to truly shine for the world to see. That night, her heart was filled with a happiness she hadn't known in the years since her mother had passed away. However, the magic was not meant to last, with it all fading away at the stroke of midnight. And so, Cinderella had to run far away to her home before the magic faded completely, hiding in a tree until the prince had lost her trail.
This part of her legend manifests as the ability to boost her magical energy reserves to great heights, greatly ramping up both her offensive and defensive prowess and overclocking her parameters and skills so that they all jump up by several ranks. However, this skill is limited in that it only works during the night, and is destined to disappear once the clock strikes twelve at midnight. Furthermore, this skill can only be used once every day, meaning that after those three uses have passed, she can no longer activate this ability.
(FGO Effect:) -Charges own NP Gauge. -Grants party Invincibility for one turn. -If there is a 'Fae' Servant on the field, apply Debuff Immune to self(one time). -After three turns, apply Stun to self(one turn)[Demerit].
What Has Been Lost, Now Returned EX:
The embodiment of 'Happily Ever After', the most famous aspect of Cinderella was when the Prince reunited with her, returning the glass slipper that she had left behind. After the Prince and Cinderella wed, she was able to leave the life of pain and misery behind, and embrace her own happy ending, no longer bound by the cruelty and wickedness of her family, who were left exposed as the evil people they were.
As the Queen of All Fairy Tales, Cinderella's power is to ensure that the suffering and downtrodden are granted their happy endings, and that the evil and cruel get their just rewards. As a result, Cinderella has the ability to resist 'alterations' to her own story, akin to an Avenger’s Oblivion Correction. She can resist any attempts at temporal disruption such as Red Riding Hood's own plot to distort her own fairy tale, as well as see when alterations to the story have been made. However, this ability is limited in that she cannot immediately discern the source of these alterations, but merely see that something has been altered.
(FGO Effect:) -Increase attack of all Fairy Tale and Phantom Servants for three turns. -Increase defense of all Fairy Tale and Phantom Servants for three turns. -Apply Guts to all Fairy Tale Servants(two times, five turns).
Noble Phantasms:
Noble Phantasm: Truyện Bất Tử - The Story That Forever Calls You
Rank: B Maximum Targets: 1 Range: —
Classification: Anti-Unit(Self)
A passive Noble Phantasm borne from the Vietnamese fairy tale, "The Story of Tấm and Cám". It is said that after Tám's stepmother and stepsister murdered her out of jealousy for marrying the sovereign, the fair maiden reincarnated multiple times in many different forms to reunite with her betrothed, ranging from a lovely oriole, two gentle peach trees, a wooden loom, burning ashes, a golden apple, before finally being reborn as Tấm herself as she took vengeance upon her wicked stepmother and stepsister for their treachery.
This legend manifests itself as a unique ability. Much like how her husband, Prince Charming, embodies 'the hero that will always triumph over evil', Cinderella embodies 'the maiden who will always escape from her torment'. Cinderella's very existence is innately tied to that of mankind's own hopes and dreams for a better ending. So long as there are people that desire their wishes to come true, there will be a Cinderella to answer their call as their champion. As a Servant that embodies dreamers and fantasies, Cinderella will always be reborn, just as her stories are told again and again. Even when her enemies kill her again and again, Cinderella will find a way to return and reclaim what was stolen from her, outright forcing the World to allow her back in through sheer will.
This Noble Phantasm does have its limitations, however. It is not a 'true' immortality like that of the Monkey King Sun Wukong or the Lunar Rabbit Yù Tù. Rather, with this reincarnation ability, she lacks a 'concept of death', akin to the Primordial Mother, albeit on a lesser scale, so in theory, an attack akin to the First Hassan's Azrael could stop her reincarnation and render her mortal.
Nevertheless, even in the face of death and darkness, the Persecuted Heroine will continue to stand, the last line of defense for all who have looked up at the night sky and dreamed.
Noble Phantasm: La Colère de Cendrillon - The Hate That Forever Binds You
Rank: A Maximum Targets: 1 Range: —
Classification: Anti-Unit(Self)
In her tales told in Europe, Cinderella gained her name from the fact that her body was often covered by dust and ash from working so hard for her family without rest without any thanks or respite. She wasn’t even allowed to sleep in a bed like the rest of the family, instead being forced to sleep by the fireplace for warmth. The cruelty of her family weighed heavily on her soul, but not once could she ever let loose her sorrows or her frustrations, or else she would be turned out onto the streets. For years, Cinderella was forced to endure years of physical, emotional, and financial abuse, holding her tongue for fear of reprisal, only escaping thanks to the work of her mother's hazel tree.
But even the miraculous fortune granted to her could not rid her of her own bitterness and self-loathing. Even marrying a prince who loved her with all his heart could not erase her past or let her forget her suffering. The pain she had to live through followed her like a scourge all her life, even in her ‘Happily Ever After’. As a Servant, this anger manifests as the very cinders that gave her her name, with her arms and legs being burned pitch-black and crackling like flame. The fires she wields are the embodiment of the grief and rage she was never able to truly express under her family’s thumb. If Cinderella needs to take a stand and fight, she can unleash torrents of fire from her limbs that grow even stronger the more violent her emotions grow, and burn far longer and hotter than any normal fires ever would, and are intense enough to burn an enemy’s very existence to ash.
However, despite the sheer power of this Noble Phantasm, it comes at a great cost to her as well. If Cinderella were to let her own self-loathing and rage consume her utterly, she would risk losing herself completely to her own darkest parts, becoming a raging flame that would burn the World itself to ash and cinders, before ultimately burning herself away along with it.
Cinderella herself dislikes using this Noble Phantasm, as she believes it is emblematic of everything wrong about her, everything she hates about herself, and the ultimate proof that her family was right about her.
Noble Phantasm: Pantofola di Vetro - The Gift That Finally Frees You
Rank: A+ Maximum Targets: 1 Range: —
Classification: Anti-World(Self)
Cinderella’s second Noble Phantasm, the evolved version of La Colère de Cendrillon, manifesting as her main armaments as the Queen of All Fairy Tales. The resentful flames and ashes of her abusive past having been tempered and cooled. The toxic ashes and burning fires that surrounded her at all times when she was younger have been transformed into a beautiful armor spun from magical glass, the fabled gift that set her free from her abusive home life. No longer is she harmed by her own self-loathing or resentment, but rather shields herself with the dignity and grace of a queen.
As the story goes, among the items that Cinderella was gifted when she was dressed up to go to the ball, the most eye-catching and famous was the pair of glass slippers she wore, perfectly molded to fit her and her alone. When Cinderella fled the ball at the stroke of midnight, she ended up leaving one of her glass slippers behind in her flight home. It was through this same glass slipper that the prince was able to find her again, searching throughout the land to find the one girl in all the kingdom who would match the slipper. When the prince reunited with Cinderella, she was granted the one thing she was never gifted throughout her life: an escape from the hell that was her family’s abuse, mockery, and neglect, and she was given a chance to pursue her own happiness after years of torment and sadness, finally being able to smile again.
As a Servant, this part of her story manifests as enchanted glass armor, far more sturdy than its fragile appearance would suggest. This mystical glass repels evil, and automatically protects Cinderella from any attack ranked A+ or lower, much like Heracles's God Hand, ensuring that Cinderella is effectively immune to any attack not outright ranked at EX, and any attack that does manage to bypass these defenses are severely reduced in power. While Heracles's God Hand grants him 'a body that knows no death', Cinderella's Glass Slipper gifts her 'a shield that will push through the darkness', triumphing over every trial and tribulation the world seeks to throw at her in order to reach her own 'happily ever after'. Combined with her Blessing of True Magic skill, Cinderella’s incredible defenses allow her to outright nullify almost any attack thrown at her, allowing her to advance forward even in the face of the most terrifying monsters. So mighty is this armor that it can even withstand blows from Prince Charming’s almighty Marmyadose, though the chances of Cinderella and Prince Charming ever fighting one another in battle are well and truly impossible.
In conjunction with her powerful armor, Cinderella can also create constructs made out of this same enchanted glass, from a nigh-invulnerable shield that can halt even Divine Weapons, a powerful horse and carriage comparable to Dragonkind, pillars of spun glass that can rise past even the tallest mountains, to even an entire enchanted forest and castle to serve as a fortress against enemies as powerful as Fenrir Riding Hood. If Cinderella needs to enter combat directly, she can even focus the magic-negating properties of her glass armor into a gleaming blade that can carve through even enemies from the Age of Gods.
This Noble Phantasm is a near-perfect defense, a bulwark against all who would seek to give the story a wicked and unjust end. Just as La Colère de Cendrillon has the ability to reduce the World to ash and cinders, Pantofola di Vetro has the ability to shield the World from all villainy and dangers. The last and greatest line of defense for humanity’s dreamers.
Noble Phantasm: Once Upon a Time - The Stories That Are Carried With YouRank: E-A++Maximum Targets: —Range: —
Classification: Anti-Narrative
An almighty Noble Phantasm that serves as a record of human history itself, and the twin to Prince Charming’s own Ever After. This technique functions similar to that of Gilgamesh's Gate of Babylon and Menes' Imperial Privilege, being a manifestation of all of mankind’s accomplishments. While the King of Heroes has an armory of all the weapons mankind has made and will ever make, and Menes has the capability to replicate any and all physical attributes she has witnessed, Cinderella's Noble Phantasm allows her to reach directly into the Throne of Heroes, bypassing the typical Summoning Rituals or defenses placed upon it by the World to call upon a champion to fight in her name. Even heroes who have been long forgotten or anti-heroes abandoned and scorned by the world feel compelled to come to Cinderella's aid by this Noble Phantasm, and upon their arrival, their abilities are further enhanced even beyond a Servant's normal capabilities.
While Gilgamesh's Gate of Babylon is the embodiment of subjugation, and Menes' Imperial Privilege is the embodiment of domination, Cinderella's Once Upon a Time is the embodiment of human connection. It is not a forced summoning of a hero, like the Summoning System used by mages in the Grail Wars. Nor is it an emergency call to arms by the Counter Force in order to surmount an impossible foe. Rather, her charisma and honesty is enough to sway even the most steadfast and cruel of hearts, allowing her to call forth a champion who will fight to save the world without hesitation. Even in the face of impossible barriers to a Servant’s arrival such as Goetia’s Nega-Summon or Red Riding Hood’s Nega-Champion, a hero will be able to make their way through the darkness to hold the banner of humanity high. In summation, this Noble Phantasm is the very embodiment of the concept of 'Happily Ever After', a summoning of a great hero to save the day and vanquish evil.
"The world is cruel… The world is wicked… The world has produced much evil and sorrow… I should know. I have lived through it myself firsthand. But even then, I have faith in humanity. Faith that there is kindness even in the face of cruelty. Where there is good despite the wickedness. Where there can be happiness and joy even when hatred and sadness seems so insurmountable. Most of all… I believe you truly can save the world and give it a happy ending."
Noble Phantasm: Ewig Sanfter Haselnussbaum - The Love That Never Leaves YouRank: EXMaximum Targets: 1Range: —Classification: Anti-Narrative(Self)
In almost every version of the Cinderella story that has been told, there is one unifying factor between them all: a benefactor, sometimes magical, sometimes mundane, that nonetheless arrives in the heroine’s darkest hour in order to bless her with a miracle. In some stories, it is the heroine’s fairy godmother or an angel come to reward her for her piety and kindness. In other stories, it is an animal such as a divine eagle or golden fish. In other stories, it is a powerful witch or almighty god who seeks to test the heroine’s goodness and charity. Whatever the form or shape the mystical helper takes, they serve as the ultimate reward for the heroine’s pure soul and righteous heart.
In particular, this Noble Phantasm takes the form of the hazel tree that Cinderella planted by her mother's grave, where all her fortunes sprang from, and the only place she ever felt safe as a child upon her mother’s passing. In reality, this hazel tree is the very soul of her deceased mother possessing the hazel tree planted at her grave, continuing to provide for her long after her passing. While she passed away at a young age, her determination to bring her child happiness was strong enough to possess the tree that Cinderella had planted at her mother’s grave. This tree gave her the ability to commune with animals to serve as her protectors and helpers. It gave her her lovely dress with which she arrived at the ball, outshining any other beauty in the room. It gave her magical powers of her own when the time was needed to protect the world she loved, pushing her to be a shining light even in the darkest hours. Even now, she still watches over her daughter as her Noble Phantasm, serving as the source of all the incredible magic Cinderella has at her disposal, and a guardian who will answer her call when she is needed.
When called upon by Cinderella, her Noble Phantasm manifests as a massive tree in the shape of a woman towering over even the almighty wolf of Ragnarok, Fenrir. This treant will not hesitate to attack anything and everything that wishes to do Cinderella harm, fighting with the relentlessness and love of a true mother’s love and will, whether it be summoning animals to maul her enemies, or merely crushing her opponents with her mighty branches. The hazel tree is fully capable of acting without Cinderella's commands, and indeed has a mind of its very own, able to take action even when Cinderella herself has been incapacitated. Anything and everything that is even remotely a threat to Cinderella is an enemy, and all enemies of Cinderella must be destroyed without mercy.
However, despite the fearsome power of the hazel tree, it is not her physical abilities that make this Noble Phantasm such a terrifying one to face. Rather, it is the wishes that Cinderella holds. Much like how the hazel tree was able to create the impossible throughout the story, providing Cinderella a dress and shoes so she could find her true love, and helped her complete the impossible tasks set by her stepmother, so too will the hazel tree grant Cinderella's hopes when wished upon. So long as the wish made is selfless in nature, Cinderella's dreams will become reality. These wishes grow even more powerful the greater the impossibility of the act is, akin to Apollo 11’s own Noble Phantasm.
In essence, this Noble Phantasm is the very manifestation of the strongest magic to ever exist within a fairy tale: an act of true love
(FGO Effect:) -Increases own damage for every Fairy Tale Servant in the Party for three turns(includes back row). -Deal Heavy Anti-Evil damage to a single enemy(effect increases with Overcharge). -Increases own NP Gauge for every Fairy Tale Servant(includes back row). -Apply Anti-Purge Defense to self for three attacks, three turns.
Voice Lines(First and Second Ascension):
Summoned: Guten Tag, I am Aschenputtel, Ruler Class. Ah, sorry, you might be more used to my English name, Cinderella. I'm not that important of a Servant, and I don't really have anything that makes me special compared to other Servants, but I'll do my best to not let you down. Whatever you ask of me, I will accomplish to the best of my ability.
Level Up 1: Are you sure? I don't know if I'm the best one to be given this kind of power.
Level Up 2: Th... Thank you! I won't waste this opportunity!
1st Ascension: I'm sorry you have to look at me like this... My hands and feet, burned black due to tending the fires so much. It's hideous, I know... But thank you for keeping me around, all the same.
2nd Ascension: Will these ashes ever leave me be…? …no, I suppose I already know the answer to that, don’t I? Still… I’m glad that I can help you and your endeavors despite these terrible burns of mine.
Fight Start 1: *sigh* I suppose that I have no choice in the matter, do I?
Fight Start 2: I-I’m sorry to bother you, but can you help me out right now?
Fight Start 3: I admit that I’m not much of a partner… But can we dance all the same?
Skill 1: *whistles*
Skill 2: Just a moment, I’ll be right there!
Skill 3: If that is what is needed of me.
Command Card Select 1: I-I’m not really a fighter.
Command Card Select 2: My little friends, could you please help me?
Command Card Select 3: I’ll finish this task the best I can!
Noble Phantasm Select 1: Are you ready… To be consumed by the cinders…?!
Noble Phantasm Select 2: Ghhh… Haaaaaah… “That’s it… Feed the fires…”
Attack 1: U-um… Please don’t blind them this time.
Attack 2: Oh, thank you for your help!
Attack 3: Let’s go!
Attack 4: Eep!
Attack 5: I’m warning you… Please run!
Attack 6: BURN!
Attack 7: Haah… HAAAAAAH!
Attack 8: Let the cinders fall where they may.
Attack 9: Incinerate them…
Extra Attack 1: Sorry to disturb you, Sir Knight, but… (Lancelot: Think nothing of it, fair lady! Arondight OVERLOAD!!!)
Extra Attack 2: Pardon me, you two, but could you give me a lift? (Hessian Lobo: *howls*)
Extra Attack 3: I, um, hope you two don’t mind the sudden summons. (Miss Crane: A chance to work with the Cinderella?! EEEEEE! Habetrot: Nyahahaha! A tailor’s work is never done!)
Extra Attack 4: Time for a bit of cleaning, Lady Beni-Enma? (Beni-Enma: It can’t be helped, dechi.)
Extra Attack 5: Red Riding Hood… You’re helping me too? (Red Riding Hood: For now at the very least. *bang*)
Noble Phantasm 1:
P… Please…
Run away.
I… I can’t control it.
I don’t want to burn you… but I can’t hold back anymore.
La Colère de Cendrillon…!
Noble Phantasm 2:
Ngh… Ghh…
Get… AWAY…!
Noble Phantasm 3:
“Don’t hold back anymore…”
“Hurt them. Hurt them just like they hurt you.”
“The pain… the misery… the sorrow… Let it all burn within you…”
“Let it consume every essence of your being… And let it consume them down to their very soul.”
“Let. It. Out.”
Damage from Noble Phantasm: I’m sorry…! I’m sorry!
Regular Damage: Kyah!
Defeated 1: I let… All of you down.
Defeated 2: I should’ve known better than to have come here…
Victory 1: I won?! I-I mean, I won!
Victory 2: I’m sorry… I hope your story has a better ending in the next life..
Bond Level 1: *fidget* *fidget* I'm sorry, am I bothering you? O-or perhaps you need me to help clean up around here? I couldn't help but notice that there was some cleaning that needed to be done. ...yes, I think I'll get right on that.
Bond Level 2: 'Why do I work so hard...?' Well, I thought something like that would be clear. After all... It's what I was raised to do. My... family, all they asked of me is to help satisfy their own needs. So... after a while, I learned to be quiet and serve. I don't particularly mind doing this work. After all, it means I get to accomplish something. It's certainly easier to stomach than being considered a queen of all things.
Bond Level 3: ...Master. Can I confess something to you? ...I'm scared. Scared of all this power I have at my fingertips. I'm truly nothing special, at the end of the day. I'm weak... I'm ugly... I've never really accomplished anything on my own. And yet... everyone looks at me, expecting me to be a grand hero or champion. But... I'm just me. Useless... weak... me.
Bond Level 4: I still don't understand... Why me? Why did my dear prince choose me of all people there? I didn't even come to the ball to meet him. I just wanted a night where I could be happy and not care about the weight of the world. And yet... he danced with me, made my heart feel like the weariness and heartache was all worth it for that fleeting moment. I wonder... What went through his head that night?
Bond Level 5: Master... Thank you for listening to me. I confess, I still don't know if I can bear the image of the 'Queen of All Fairy Tales', but I've been thrust into the role regardless. I may not live up to the expectations the world has of me… Perhaps I never will. Be that as it may, I still want to try. I don't believe in the 'Cinderella' that my mother and my prince saw in me... But I believe in them. And if they were able to find something in me worth loving... Then perhaps they're right.
Dialogue 1: You don’t have to act so amazed around me, you know. I’m nothing more than a simple servant girl who got lucky.
Dialogue 2: I’m your Servant… That means you tell me what to do, and I fulfill it to the best of my abilities.
Dialogue 3: It feels nice to be able to take a break every once in a while, don’t you think? Back home, I never really had a chance to sit down and rest.
Dialogue 4: *whistles* Hahahaha! It seems that even in Chaldea, there are little creatures that are willing to hear me sing to them. I rather like it. It’s so much nicer to be able to sing with an audience listening, don’t you think?
Dialogue 5 (If you have Prince Charming): Have I ever told you about the night my dear Prince Charming and I met? It feels like an impossible dream, yet an ever-enduring memory… He was the first to treat me with such genuine kindness after… Well, either way, I knew from the start that he was the man that I would marry. And you know what? I stand by that belief even to this day.
Dialogue 6 (If you have Red Riding Hood(Pre True-Name Narration)): Ah, Blanchette! It’s good to see you doing well! Hm? A hike in the woods? *sigh* I suppose that look you’re giving me means that I should go along with you, shouldn’t I? Heaven knows you tend to get yourself lost far too often…
Dialogue 7 (If you have Pinocchio): Oh, buongiorno, Maestro Pinnochio! I see you’re as active as usual today! Eh? N-no you can’t ask my mother for firewood! … O-oh. It was a joke, I see. Still, one shouldn’t make jokes like that so carelessly. Especially if you’re swinging around such a large axe…
Dialogue 8 (If you have Frau Trude Gothel): D-Dame Gothel?! She’s here as well?! I… To think the monster from my childhood would be here in the flesh… M-Master, are you sure it’s wise to have someone like this around Chaldea?!
Dialogue 9 (If you have The Fairy Godmother): The Fairy Godmother… I’ve heard that many believe our stories to be intertwined with one another. I must admit, though… I don’t think I’ve ever met her myself. At least, not in person. She seems to be very familiar with me though.
Dialogue 10 (If you have “Goldilocks”): Oh, hello Goldilocks! I’m glad we’re able to meet each other again… O-oh, you’re busy eating? I see… I’m sorry for interrupting you then…
Dialogue 11 (If you have Baba Yaga): Frau Yaga? I must say I didn’t expect you to be here. Um, not that I’m not happy to see you here! That is… Um… I’ll just leave now.
Dialogue 12 (If you have Elizabeth Bàthory (Cinderella)): Another me…? And she's an actual noble? She probably is much better than me… Maybe she deserves to be the heroine more than I do… 
Dialogue 13 (If you have Miss Crane): Miss Crane… Her weaving is the stuff of legends. To think that such a veteran artisan would be here in Chaldea… I… Do you think she would mind if I asked her for some advice for my own tailoring?
Dialogue 14 (If you have Beni-Enma): The Tongue-Cut Sparrow is here as well… Her story is familiar to me, as is her fearsome reputation. That being said, I can’t help but see her as a kindred spirit. Do you think she’d appreciate my help, or would I just get in the way? 
Dialogue 15 (If you have Merlin or Lady Avalon): You… You seem familiar to me. And yet, somehow, you feel completely different at the same time. Erm, that being said… Those pranks of yours are a bit much, don’t you think?
Dialogue 16 (If you have Hessian Lobo): You two… You’ve gone through so much, both separately and alone. I can’t even begin to understand what kind of hurt you carry… All the same, thank you for letting me sit with you. I know it means a lot.
Dialogue 17 (If you have Saint Barbara): Oh, Barbara! As active as ever, I see. … Wh-what?! Wait, what are you doing with that dynamite?! H-hey! Barbara! Wait up!
Dialogue 18 (If you have any other ‘Fairy Tale’ Servant): Everyone… Everyone looks at me, as if they expect some grand wisdom or great power of me… Those are expectations I fear I can never live up to.
Dialogue 19 (If you have Medusa): Ah, it’s that pink-haired woman! I really should thank her. She was so kind and welcoming to me when I first arrived in this place. She even helped me find some of the stories that were told of me in Chaldea’s library. For some reason, she seems to look at me as if I was familiar… Perhaps I met her in one of my tales? …could it be? Is she the incarnation of Godfather Snake? …no?
Dialogue 20 (If you have Barghest): Oh my! I’m sorry, miss, I didn’t mean to bump into you- H-huh?! …Master? Why did that woman look at me with tears in her eyes? …Habetrot said that, did she? I see.
Dialogue 21 (If you have Mata Hari): Margaretha… Yes, I know her. I know so many like her. Why wouldn’t I? After all, I know all too well what it’s like to be so alone…
Dialogue 22 (If you have Tiamat): The Mother of All Life… I heard that she was once a Beast of Humanity, driven to madness over the love she had for her children… And yet, I can’t help but feel happy around her. She reminds me of my own mother at times. Oh? A boxed lunch? Is this for me?
Likes: Something I like? Well… I suppose the only real answer I can give to that is my dear Prince Charming. He saved me after all… He took pity on someone like me and chose to marry me. …oh? ‘Pity had nothing to do with it’? Hmm… I suppose you’re right. He’d say the exact same thing to me if he heard my mumblings.
Dislikes: I’m not fond of bullies. Far too many people believe that just because they have money, or power, or… anything really, that they can hurt people. Hurt me. Ghhh…! E-excuse me, I’d rather not talk about this any longer.
About the Holy Grail: They say that the Holy Grail can grant any wish that your heart desires… If I wished on it, could I…? …no. No, someone like me doesn’t deserve to wish on the Grail. Give it to someone who’s more deserving of it.
During an Event: A celebration is going on…? I’d love to go, but… Oh, right, I suppose this situation is different, isn’t it? In that case, would you mind if I accompanied you to this? I-if it’s not too much trouble, I mean.
Birthday: Happy Birthday, Master. Have you made your wish? O-oh, you wish to spend the day with someone like me? … Yes, I’d quite like that. Thank you. Shall we be off, then?
Voice Lines(Final Ascension):
Level Up 1: This feeling… It reminds me of that midnight so long ago. I truly am blessed to have you as my Master.
Level Up 2: The night’s still young, let’s enjoy it while we can! Come, dance with me!
3rd Ascension: This dress... It's the same one I wore when I first met my prince... It's the same one given to me by my mother. I... I'm so glad that I get to dance in it again. Thank you, Master. I don't know if I can ever truly explain how much this means to me... But thank you all the same.
4th Ascension: Master... Thank you so much. Few people have ever treated me with this kindness... I always thought I didn't deserve the chance to be happy, but... Maybe I do. Maybe I deserve to have a happy ending all my own. And... I hope that someday, you too will get your happily ever after…
Fight Start 1: I do not wish to fight you… But I will not back down from this fight, either.
Fight Start 2: And so the story begins once more… With a Once Upon a Time.
Fight Start 3: Shall we dance? I must warn you though, I’m not the most graceful of partners to be had.
Skill 1: I know you’re watching over me, mother…
Skill 2: The midnight hour hasn’t arrived yet.
Skill 3: Allow me to help you with this!
Command Card Select 1: If I must.
Command Card Select 2: Get behind me!
Command Card Select 3: En garde!
Noble Phantasm Select 1: Mother… Allow me to make this simple wish.
Noble Phantasm Select 2: The time has come for the story’s climax…
Attack 1: Wing down, o eagle!
Attack 2: Arise, golden goby!
Attack 3: Help me, great crocodile!
Attack 4: Haaaah!
Attack 5: Come forth, di Vetro!
Attack 6: Glass spun of mystic arts… Protect me now!
Attack 7: My apologies… But you must stand down!
Attack 8: Get behind me!
Attack 9: Our time isn’t up yet!
Extra Attack 1: Please, help me now! (Frau Gothel: Don’t make this a habit, little girl…)
Extra Attack 2: I call upon you, great hero! (THJALFI: Very well then.)
Extra Attack 3: Thank you for your assistance! (William Tell: It’s my pleasure, your majesty.)
Extra Attack 4: Peter! Tinker Bell! (Peter Pan: Woohoo! Let’s do this! Tinker: Peter, wait up!)
Extra Attack 5: I pass this along to you, my love! (Prince Charming: Gladly, my darling! Unicorn: Let’s trample ‘em!)
Noble Phantasm 1:
Tree of Life…
Tree of Glory…
Tree of Salvation…
I come to pray at your roots once more…
Grant my wish, to save this world.
Ewig Sanfter Haselnussbaum.
Noble Phantasm 2:
You may have passed long ago, but I still feel your presence with me.
Please, answer my prayers and help us win this day.
Ewig Sanfter Haselnussbaum.
Noble Phantasm 3:
“My dearest child… My beloved daughter…”
“The world has been unforgivably cruel to you.”
“It has hurt you more times than I can bear to count.”
“So I shall become your shield from the world’s evil.”
“And watch as you attain your own happily ever after.”
“Ewig Sanfter Haselnussbaum.”
Damage from Noble Phantasm: Mother… protect me…!
Regular Damage: Not yet!
Defeated 1: So this is how it ends…
Defeated 2: I suppose I wasn’t meant to be the hero of this story…
Victory 1: And so the story reaches its conclusion… Happily Ever After.
Victory 2: I’m sorry… I hope that someday, you will be able to find your own happy ending.
Bond Level 1: Oh? You seem surprised to see me. I guess this costume of mine is quite different from what you’ve seen before. I quite like it though. I may not be a true warrior like the other Servants you have here, but the feeling of my mother’s glass around me… it’s comforting.
Bond Level 2: It really is miraculous, isn’t it? To be in a place like this where so many different stories with so many different heroes are able to meet as one. I don’t think I ever would have expected to end up in a place like this.
Bond Level 3: The World has chosen me as the Queen of Fairy Tales, the Guardian of Happy Endings… And yet, I can’t help but feel useless at times. I’ve been blessed with these abilities, this power, but there’s still so much suffering and pain in the world. I know that my story has brought hope and light to people in despair, but all the same… I wish I could do more to help. Maybe then, Red Riding Hood… Blanchette… She wouldn’t have become a Beast.
Bond Level 4: …we’re alike, you and I. I can see it in your eyes. You want to help as many people as you can. You want to protect everyone from hurting like you have hurt. But it’s hard, isn’t it? Even when we want to save everyone, it seems impossible. But still… It’s our job to make the impossible possible, isn’t it?
Bond Level 5: Master… You’ve already gone through so much pain, and at such a young age, too. And yet, you still find it in you to smile and keep going on. You’re able to inspire so many people who have lost their hope for a better future, and you’re able to push on past your own sadness. But still… there will be times when your hope falters. I know this too. Master, when the day comes when all hope seems lost, and you can’t find it in you to smile… Allow me to be your knight in shining armor. I will defend your hopes and dreams when you can’t carry them anymore, and I promise you, you’ll find your own happy ending at the end of all this.
Dialogue 1: It really is amazing, becoming a queen like this. Some days, it doesn’t even feel real. But if this is merely a dream, a fleeting fantasy… Then even that is enough to bring my life happiness.
Dialogue 2: When I look at you… I can’t help but feel like we are one and the same. Perhaps our circumstances are a bit different, but still… You’ve been cast into a strange and frightening new reality. Alone, afraid, and… No, that’s not quite right. You’re not alone. You are never alone. This, I promise to you… Master.
Dialogue 3: The modern era has so many wonderful things to show me… Things have changed a lot since my time. Though, if you would ask me? The most exciting thing of all would be all the interesting forms of transportation? Hm? Oh, don’t you worry, my friends, I promise, I won’t replace you. …though I would like a chance to drive a motorcycle-
Dialogue 4(Clear Interlude “The Neverending Dance”): I don’t know if I’ll ever truly be able to let go of these thoughts of mine… My doubts, my anger, my anxiety… They’re something that I suppose I’ll have to live with, even as a Servant. Still… I feel like they’re bearable, so long as I can have friends like you by my side.
Dialogue 5 (If you have Prince Charming): My dear husband… My fair Prince… I’m glad you’re finally here with me. I never had the chance to say it earlier, but I truly have been blessed to have married a man such as you. A kind heart… a loving smile… an honesty that no other man could compare to. Yes, if I ever had the chance to marry any man of my dreams, I would always, always choose you. … Aha! Your face is as red as an apple, my dear husband. It’s little wonder why you enjoy speaking such sweet nothings into my ear if you get to see such cute expressions all day.
Dialogue 6 (If you have Red Riding Hood(Post True-Name Narration)): Blanchette… She’s suffered for so long, she’s been bitter and angry at the world all her life. …I suppose for her, the anger and hatred is all she has left now, isn’t it? For her, being a monster is far more preferable than being a victim. I suppose I can understand that line of thinking… Still, even Beasts of Humanity deserve to find their own happiness some day, and she’s no different. Maybe you can be the one to give her the happy ending I couldn’t, Master.
Dialogue 7 (If you have Pinocchio): Ah, Maestro Pinocchio! And Maestro Cricket, as well! It’s good to see you gentlemen out and about. That is to say… You aren’t up to any mischief today, are you? Hahaha! I’m only joking, no need to look so afraid. …unless you are planning another of your pranks, young Maestro.
Dialogue 8 (If you have Frau Trude Gothel): Dame Gothel… The Witch of the Story’s End. … *sigh* It’s hard to say how I feel about someone like her. On the one hand, she is a monster, and one who gladly admits to it, no less. She’s killed and hurt too many children than I can bear to count. …and yet, Pinocchio has shown he truly believes that even she can be redeemed. Perhaps even a monster can find her happily ever after one day. Until then, however, I will be keeping an eye on her.
Dialogue 9 (If you have The Fairy Godmother): The Fairy Godmother… I never had a chance to meet her myself in life. Or… perhaps I did…? It’s strange. She has a very familiar aura to me, but at the same time, she seems so distant and alien. Still, she at least seems to be nicer than her sister at the very least, so I suppose it’s fine…
Dialogue 10 (If you have Sòl): Ah, Sòl, I’m glad to see you’re doing well for yourself! It’s rather nice, isn’t it, being in Chaldea. I’m glad that you’re able to finally rest your head without worry. Erm, that being said… The kitchen staff have asked me to tell you to stop raiding the fridge so often. I believe EMIYA’s words were ‘rivaling Artoria’s bottomless stomach’.
Dialogue 11 (If you have Saint Barbara): Ah, Barbara! You look well today. You have something to show me? …it’s not something explosive again is it? Alright, I suppose I can come with you to the hangar to look if that’s the case. Perhaps it’ll be a motorcycle or an aeroplane…
Dialogue 12 (If you have any other ‘Fairy Tale’ Servant): *sigh* Sometimes… I still fear that I won’t be enough. That even with the weight of everyone’s expectations of what I should be, I’ll end up failing. That being said… It’s for those very same reasons that we should keep fighting, no? To at least try to live up to those same expectations?
Dialogue 13 (If you have Medusa): Medusa… So even the greatest monsters in stories can hide kindness and a desire to be loved. You’ve been so gracious to me, so I do believe that it’s time I return the favor. Come with me, if you don’t mind. I’ll put on some tea for us.
Dialogue 14 (If you have Barghest): Ah… Cheer up, o great knight. The others may not have the same faith in you that I do, but I promise, one day, you’ll walk down the aisle, within your finest dress, and have the chance to have your own fairy tale wedding.
Dialogue 15 (If you have Mata Hari): I must say… It feels nice to watch someone dance so freely and happily, especially after a life of sadness and pain. Chaldea really is a place of miracles, isn’t it? To have the ability to grant people happy endings long after their own deaths.
Dialogue 16 (If you have Edmond Dantes): The Count of Monte Cristo… I know you believe yourself a monster, a demon who does not deserve a chance at his own happiness… But I also know that you are wrong. Your happiness will come, and your sins will be forgiven, if not in your life as a human, than as your life as a Servant. It is just as you say… Wait and hope.
Dialogue 17 (If you have Kiara Sessyoin): So even Beasts can find happiness in stories such as mine… That’s quite the comforting thought to me, I’ll have to admit. I’d love to go and talk with her, but I don’t know if she’d care to listen to what I’d have to say to her. It’s a shame, though… Whenever I look at her, all I see is a girl like me… Neglected, abandoned, and hurting, just hoping for something better to come one day. …maybe one day she’ll have a happy ending of her own.
Dialogue 18 (If you have Hans Christian Andersen): You know, Master, Herr Andersen is quite the strange one, wouldn’t you say? He’s so earnest and blunt, speaking truthfully but harshly about everyone… And yet, he’s a man who hides himself from the world. He’s so open about his faults and his own issues… And yet never once speaks about his own burning pain or bitter sadness. As an author of fairy tales, Herr Andersen provided so much joy and wonder to the world… Maybe it’s time he should go and reach out for his own.
Dialogue 19 (If you have Sigurd and Brynhildr): Those two… They remind me a lot of my dear Prince and I. …hee! Perhaps we should have a double date together. I’d love to hear of the romance between these two great heroes.
Dialogue 20 (If you have Arjuna): Arjuna… Please, hold your head up high. I know all too well what it’s like to have your own self-doubt and fear control you. But I also know just as well that you are far more than what those doubts think you to be. You are a hero, noble and kind, and let none tell you otherwise, especially yourself.
Dialogue 21 (If you have Gilgamesh): Oh? Even the Great King of All Heroes wishes to speak to me? You are too kind, your majesty. Though I must warn you, my heart belongs to my Prince Charming alone.
Likes: I don’t think anything has ever made me happier than that night with my Prince. Being able to escape the torment and suffering to simply dance and eat and laugh in such a beautiful castle… It truly was a dream come true…
Dislikes: If there is one thing that I will not forget… It is those who seek to hurt their own children. Whether it be through neglect, assault, blackmail, or any other means, people who hurt the children they have raised should not be easily forgiven. If one seeks to genuinely and seriously atone for what they have done, then I am all for them bettering themselves… But if they persist in their wickedness, then I will cut them down myself. After all… I know what it means to be a child such as that.
About the Holy Grail: The Holy Grail? …hahaha, why would I ever need to use something like that? I have all I need to make me happy. My dear husband, a loving home, and friends like you to be with. Yes, I don’t think there’s anything I could wish for right now, and I have you to thank for it.
During an Event: It appears that another ball has come to town. I think I would like to attend it, what say you, Master?Birthday: Happy Birthday, Master! Please, enjoy this gift I put together for you. I stitched this suit together with the help of some of my friends. It should fit you perfectly. …oh, you don’t have to be so bashful. I made this because I wanted to, not because of any obligation. After all… We’re friends now, aren’t we?
Birthday: Happy Birthday, Master! Please, enjoy this gift I put together for you. I stitched this suit together with the help of some of my friends. It should fit you perfectly. …oh, you don’t have to be so bashful. I made this because I wanted to, not because of any obligation. After all… We’re friends now, aren’t we?
A girl made a slave.
A wish granted.
Something is lost.
And something is found.
Happily Ever After.
She has gone by many names throughout history, be they Rhodopis, Ye Xian, Tấm, Cenerentola, Cendrillion, or Aschenputtel. Her tale has been told countless times over, from nation to nation, her legend being carved into humanity's very soul alongside great heroes such as Heracles and King Arthur.
She is the Persecuted Heroine.
She is an embodiment of the hopes and dreams of all mankind.
She is Cinderella, the Queen of All Fairy Tales.
Bond Level 1:
Height/Weight: 172cm • 54kg 
Source: Global Fairy Tales
Region: The World
Alignment: Lawful • Good Gender: Female
"I don't understand... Why...? Why does she hate me?! I've done everything... Everything she's asked me to do. I do all the chores. I cook each and every meal, I clean every inch of this estate, I work until my fingers bleed and break without even taking a break to rest. But it's still not enough. I still don't even get to sit at the table. I still have to sleep on the floor. I still get called ugly, and stupid, and useless... I don't think anyone has ever called me by my real name since...
Am I really so awful? Am I really... Am I really as bad as they all say?
Maybe... Maybe if I do it right this time, they won't hate me anymore. Yes. It's my fault for messing it all up in the first place. I'll do better this time, and then they'll stop hurting me.
I can fix this.
I can fix this.
I can fix this.
Please... Let me fix this."
Bond Level 2:
She didn't even intend to meet her prince. All she wanted that night was a simple escape. A chance to leave her life of abuse and torment for a single night, and to grasp a chance at being happy, even for a moment. The means of escape was different with each telling. Some say it was an eagle that had snatched her sandal and dropped it into the lap of a great king. Others say it was a magic fish with golden eyes and scales who granted her wishes from its bones. Others still say it was a Fairy Godmother, who sought to grant her heart's true desire for her piety and grace.
Whatever the story, whatever the tale, the girl's wishes remain humble and simple: a wish for reprieve.
He had approached her gently, gingerly asking her for her hand to show her around the castle. His words were calming and loving. His steps were careful and true. As the night went on, the two grew more enamored with each other, finding solace in the other's company after a lifetime of loneliness.
And in the span of a single night, Cinderella and the Prince had fallen in love before the clock struck midnight.
Bond Level 3:
The wedding was wonderful, a joyous celebration even grander than the ball where she had met her Prince Charming. It was supposed to be the happiest day of Cinderella's life. A day where no pain, no anger, no misery would exist. A day where she would finally get the Happily Ever After she's craved all her life.
Of course... That would be the day that her family arrived to ruin everything.
They arrived like vultures, acting as if they hadn't been the ones to cause her suffering for years on end. As if they weren't the ones who treated her like a slave all her life. As if they hadn't disrespected her mother's grave time and again. And yet, here they were, acting as if they had loved and cherished Cinderella all her life.
What was meant to be a day of joyous celebration instead became a day of bitterness and anger. Before, Cinderella had kept her fury inside her. She had always tempered her frustration and hid it away. What else could she have done when she was weak and helpless? But this... this was different. Whether consciously or unconsciously, the wild animals Cinderella had befriended responded in kind in her outrage, with two ravens swooping down and plucking her stepsisters' eyes.
At the vicious sight, many of the guests recoiled in fear and shock, horrified at the macabre display before them.
But Cinderella?
She put a hand to her face at the sight... and let out a laugh. A brief, quiet laugh that went unheard by everyone at the wedding... but a laugh nonetheless.
Bond Level 4:
Cinderella married her Prince Charming, and became a queen hailed as a benevolent and kind ruler. She was hailed as fair and beautiful, and within her castle, she wanted for nothing nor feared for any harm.
And yet...
The doubts and fears from her childhood still lingered, festering like a diseased wound. Where many saw beauty, Cinderella could only see ugliness. Where they beheld kindness, Cinderella beheld cruelty. Where people saw diligence, Cinderella saw nothing but uselessness. While her dear husband was always at her side to reassure her doubts, these thoughts would never leave Cinderella alone.
Would a deserving princess have their happiness handed to her?
Would a just ruler allow themselves to stew in rage over the past?
Would a good person laugh at her sisters' suffering and pain?
The anger, the anxiety, the doubt. All of it haunted her throughout her life. It was as if she had never stopped being that young girl that slept by the cinders.
Bond Level 5:
The story of Cinderella is ultimately one about pain. The pain of losing a loved one and crying beneath a tree The pain of barbed insults and cruel abuse. The pain of a cold stone floor and burning black ashes.
The years of abuse, financial, physical, and mental, will never truly go away, and neither will the pain that came with it.
But even still…
With pain eventually comes healing. Where there was a grave, a tree blossomed and bloomed. Where there was venomous insults and violent assault there is now the whispering of sweet nothings and a gentle embrace. The chill of sleeping on stone and the burned agony from the ash and cinders are now replaced with the comforting feel of glass slippers and a golden dress.
Cinderella's life was filled with nothing but pain and sorrow, both external and internal, but it was also filled with great joy and triumph. It is the triumph of an abused young girl against a world that constantly treated her with cruelty, and in turn chose to respond by being kind and being more than just her circumstance. It is the tale of finally reaching a happily ever after.
For all those in the world who have yet to find their happy endings, and for all those who have long since passed that have been denied those very endings… Cinderella will forever stand as a symbol of hope, a figure who will light up even the darkest hours with gleaming fire and shining glass.
For the lovers, the dreamers, the hopeful who have not lost their hearts to despair… Cinderella, the Greatest of All Fairy Tales, will always fight as your champion.
Extra (Clear Interlude “The Neverending Dance”):
Cinderella was never her true name. Cenerentola, Cendrillon, Aschenputtel, the identities that the world knew her as were nothing but cruel nicknames meant to mock her for her low position and to torment her for her constant work. While for many, the name Cinderella was one that inspired hope and prosperity, for the young princess, all the name did was remind her of her suffering and torment, as well as an impossible standard that she could never live up to.
Cinderella the beloved heroine.
Cinderella the worthless mistake.
Cinderella the vengeful monster.
All these and more were not who the maiden was. They were merely projections of what mankind believed her to be. In truth, she has a name that was given to her by her beloved mother, and a name that was never once spoken in any of her stories.
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lordzannis · 6 months ago
There are several sustainable and eco-friendly alternatives to Skechers that prioritize ethical manufacturing and use of responsibly-sourced materials:
Vessi Cityscape Sneakers
Vessi Cityscape sneakers are a great waterproof and vegan alternative to Skechers walking shoes. They are lightweight, breathable, and suitable for city walks and light hiking[2]. Key features:
100% waterproof knit upper
Cushioned insole for comfort
Minimalist and stylish design
Vegan and Blue Sign certified
Allbirds Tree Runners
Allbirds Tree Runners are made from renewable eucalyptus tree fiber and are a sustainable alternative to Skechers casual sneakers[5]. Highlights:
Lightweight and breathable eucalyptus fiber upper
Carbon-negative green EVA soles
Machine washable
Certified B-Corp meeting high environmental standards
Cariuma OCA Low Sneakers
Cariuma's OCA Low sneakers use premium natural materials like bamboo, organic cotton, and natural rubber[5]. Key points:
Bamboo knit upper with organic cotton lining
Sugarcane-based insoles and natural rubber outsoles
Carbon-neutral manufacturing
Ethical factory conditions certified by GOTS and Fairtrade
Other brands like Veja, Tropicfeel, and Saola offer stylish, eco-friendly sneaker alternatives using recycled plastics, natural rubber, and other sustainable materials[3][5]. Checking ethical brand directories can help find the right sustainable Skechers alternative[4].
Citations: [1] https://www.ethicalconsumer.org/fashion-clothing/shopping-guide/ethical-trainers [2] https://vessi.com/blogs/the-forecast/best-alternative-to-skechers-walking-shoes [3] https://goodonyou.eco/alternatives-skechers/ [4] https://directory.goodonyou.eco/brand/skechers [5] https://www.thegoodtrade.com/features/sustainable-sneakers/
There are several sustainable and ethical alternatives to Adidas that prioritize environmental responsibility and fair labor practices. Here are some of the best options:
Veja is a French brand that makes stylish and sustainable sneakers using materials like organic cotton, wild rubber from the Amazon, and recycled plastic bottles[1]. Their V-10 and Esplar models are great alternatives to Adidas classics like Stan Smiths.
Etiko is a certified B-Corp that makes vegan sneakers using organic cotton and natural rubber. Their low and high-top sneaker styles have a classic look comparable to Adidas sneakers[1].
Good Guys
Good Guys is a French vegan brand that uses recycled and plant-based materials like pineapple leaf fiber. Their SAMO sneakers have a sleek design reminiscent of Adidas Sambas[2].
Other ethical brands like Loci, Noah, and Flamingos' Life also offer stylish and sustainable sneaker alternatives to Adidas using recycled plastics, natural rubber, and other eco-friendly materials[2][4]. Checking ethical brand directories can help find the right fit for your style and values.
Citations: [1] https://goodonyou.eco/sustainable-alternatives-adidas/ [2] https://goodonyou.eco/alternatives-to-adidas-samba-sneakers/ [3] https://hypebae.com/2023/4/sustainable-sneakers-earth-day-nike-adidas-new-balance-stella-mccartney [4] https://www.opumo.com/magazine/best-alternatives-to-adidas-samba/ [5] https://karmawallet.io/blog/2024/05/adidas-sustainability-the-good-the-bad/
Based on the information provided in the search results, here are some recommended sustainable alternatives for work shoes and footwear aimed at the working class:
Recycled and Plant-Based Materials
Snibbs Work Shoes[1] - These slip-resistant work shoes utilize recycled cotton, recycled plastic, plant-based polyurethane, and corn starch for a sustainable and durable design suitable for long shifts.
Rothy's[3] - While not specifically work shoes, Rothy's makes stylish flats and sneakers from recycled plastic bottles and other renewable materials that could work for some workplaces.
Sauvs[5] - This brand blends recycled polyester with natural materials like rubber and cotton to create fashionable yet sustainable sneakers and shoes.
Secondhand and Repairable Options
Thrifting at places like Goodwill[5] - Buying secondhand shoes reduces waste and is a very affordable option for working class budgets.
Shoes with replaceable soles[5] - Opting for quality shoes where you can replace just the worn soles extends the lifespan and reduces the need to buy new shoes frequently.
Repairing existing shoes[2] - Having shoes resoled or repaired by a cobbler is a sustainable way to get more wear out of your current work footwear.
The key factors are looking for durable materials like recycled plastics and plant-based components, as well as prioritizing longevity through secondhand purchases, replaceable soles, and repairing shoes when possible[1][2][3][5]. This allows working class individuals to have sustainable footwear options that are affordable and designed to withstand tough workplace conditions over many years of use.
Citations: [1] https://snibbs.co/blogs/foot-safety/most-sustainable-materials-for-shoes [2] https://sustainability.stackexchange.com/questions/12777/are-there-sustainable-footwear-alternatives-to-leather-boots-shoes [3] https://www.cnn.com/cnn-underscored/fashion/best-sustainable-shoes [4] https://www.ethicalconsumer.org/fashion-clothing/shopping-guide/ethical-shoes [5] https://www.reddit.com/r/sustainability/comments/18bl1fp/what_is_the_most_sustainable_vegan_and_nonplastic/
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koko-online · 2 months ago
On Comprehensible Input
Disclaimer : I am not disagreeing with the comprehensible input theory of language acquisition within the context of the science of linguistics. This post is about a tumor that has grown off of it into the 'science' of pedagogy. Regardless, this is more of a vent post against current instructional strategies than anything. I am not citing any sources, most of what is here is anecdotal.
For those unaware, language classes in K12 have changed a lot since you were in school. Many decades ago, it was primarily a text translation course. Then it became what most of the readers probably had, a course integrating vocabulary and structures into conversational performance. Today, as has been pushed for the last decade or so, we are 'encouraged' to teach with what pedagogy scam artists call a comprehensible input based curriculum.
This largely involves an immersion class with a heavy focus on reading and listening (especially in the novice level) with multimodal texts to guide understanding. To give you an idea of the efficacy of this strategy, almost zero students have achieved a "passing" (4/7) score on the IB DP Language B exams in my district since our coordinator started pushing this. My heavily lauded predecessor at this school had 2s and 3s across the board last year, students on their fifth year of language acquisition.
My current fifth year students have a vocabulary of maybe 200 words, mostly cognates.
I can think of a few reasons why this becomes the case.
Immersion classes at the middle/high school level have a tendency to devolve into the dominant language of the school. Infants learn this way because it is their primary method of communication and interacting with the world around them. In class, the students' dominant language is spoken by everyone in the room (from whom students are constantly seeking validation). This is especially a problem when taking into account class sizes of 30+ students who largely do not even want to be there.
The curricula that are available are weak, untested (scientifically), and teacher-created. Teachers are not curriculum designers, neither by training nor by time allotted. What results is a mish-mash of ideas half-executed, with wide, gaping holes in student knowledge. My Language B coordinator literally just threw a random assortment of various difficulty beginner reader books (one is a story about a capyabara wearing boots, for example) at me with no materials, no guide, no placement within a curriculum. This is not an effective foundation for a high school student's language journey.
Comprehensible Input as a theory is a description of how language is acquired, it is not a prescription for curriculum. Refusing to take into account the differences between someone whose job, 24/7, is exclusively to understand the language enthusiastically, compared to someone who is in a class against their will for maybe 160 minutes per week is ludicrous.
The de-emphasis on output, especially in the beginning levels, leaves students without the tools and muscle memory to become proficient speakers later.
Recently, I have been studying Toki Pona.
Reading the official text, I learned very quickly and very effectively. I made flash cards, read about grammatical constructions, did translation exercises, and assigned myself conversational tasks to practice what I could. Writing very short stories, skits, practicing common dialogue patterns. It has been really fast and effective.
About halfway through the book, I decided to install a game called Toki Pona Island. A self-proclaimed comprehensible input strategy to acquiring the language. I have played for hours, and the only word I have meaningfully retained is alasa (look for, quest, seek). And it is an entire game ABOUT alasa. Every character says it constantly and I had to look it up about 50 times before I forced myself to remember. Even then, while writing this, I originally wrote it as asala before I looked it up for accuracy. So, in effect, nothing was meaningfully learned.
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spiderwing-nightman · 4 months ago
Resources for an Incomplete Queer History of DC Comics
About two months ago, for my final project in an elective I was taking about Queer History I researched a part of queer history that we didn't touch on in class and then compile resources and create a reader based on our topic. I chose to research Queerness in DC Comics. This project was very important to me and it kind of feels weird to just let it disappear into the ether, and I figured it might be appreciated here.
This history is very much incomplete (it focuses very much on the 80's and 90's and my own centers of knowledge, lingering on things I found interesting) and I'm sure there are people who have done it better, but I wanted to share it anyway. This is also very much meant to be a celebration of queerness and queerness in comics, so it shines a very nice light on DC that they may or may not deserve. Some of the resources I'm including here aren't in my final project because of either time and space constraints, or because they were a little too out there to include in a project that was meant to be read by someone who doesn't know much about comics (but many of those sources were referenced in the project because I wrote summaries of some sources if I couldn't find one that did the job for me), inversely, the parts of my project that I wrote myself aren't in here because I really want to share the resources I found for whoever else might be curious. It's organized more or less chronologically, I'm putting links wherever I can, and I'll put an asterisks next to some of the resources that require some more background knowledge, also any sources written in the same color text (that's not the default) were used together to write a summary source. I hope someone at least finds this useful or interesting.
“The Evolution of Queer Representation in DC Comics” by Alex Jaffe   (yes I know this is from DC's website, but it's a good overview)
The Free Love Experiment that Created Wonder-Woman by Noah Berlatsky
The Caped Crusade: The Rise and Fall of Nerd Culture by Glen Weldon (2016), “Panic and Aftermath (1948-1964)” (this whole book is very good)
The Comics Code of 1954
“Scholar Finds Flaws in Work by Archenemy of Comics” by Dave Itzkoff
Batman #181 (July, 1966) (everyone needs to read this a) because it's Poison Ivy's first comic and b) because Robin's horror at Batman kissing Poison Ivy (yes I know her kiss is poisonous) really gets rid of any heterosexuality they might have been trying to push)
“How Vertigo Changed Comics Forever” by Abraham Josephine Riesman
**“Monstrous Relationalities: The Horrors of Queer Eroticism and 'Thingness' in Alan Moore and Stephen Bissette's Swamp Thing” by Robin A. McDonald and Dan Vena
*“‘...And then what?’ Vertigo Comics’ Enigma” by Chloe Maveal
“Let’s Talk 90’s Vertigo, The Revolution it Started, and How Marvel Ruined it” by David Harth
**“‘One of the Things They Definitely Are is Queer’: an Interview with Rachel Pollack” by Alex Dueben
“DC Comics shuts down Vertigo imprint a year after relaunch” by Christie d’Zurilla
“Diversity is Part of Very Soul of Neil Gaiman’s Sandman” by Marc Burrows
“As Above, So Below: Actions and Reactions of the Sandman and Trans Representation” by Joanna Marsh
“Queer Superhero History: The First Trans Character in Comics” by Jessica Plummer
“Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean: how we made The Sandman” interview by Phil Hoad
“‘I can’t do superheroes, but I can do gods’: Neil Gaiman on comics, diversity and casting Death” interview by John Harris Dunning
“The Sandman: A Beginner's Guide” by Scott Meslow
DC Pride 2023, “A Tribute to Rachel Pollack”
"SuperGay: Depictions of Homosexuality in Mainstream Superhero Comics" by Kara Kvaran (2014) in Comics as History, Comics as Literature: Roles of the Comic Book in Scholarship, Society, and Entertainment edited by Annessa Ann Babic 
The Flash (vol. 2) #53, August 1991: The Pied Piper comes out
“Death talks about Life” by Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean
DC Pride: Through the Ages, “Introduction” by Benjamin Le Clear
Comics Code History: The Seal of Approval
“A History of Queer Characters in DC Comics” by Les Fabian Brathwaite
“Catwoman comes out as bisexual” by Henry Hanks
“Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy: A History” by Brian Cronin
“The new Superman comes out as bisexual in an upcoming comic” by Scottie Andrew
“Wonder Woman is Getting the Queer Romance She Deserves in New DC Comic” by Mey Rude
“DC Announces ‘DC Pride’ Anthology Comic to Arrive June 8, and More!” DC Press Release
The DC Book of Pride
There is more, so check the reblogs (I'll also include the issues I used panels from in the reblogs)
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sixty-silver-wishes · 2 years ago
Tumblr's Guide to Shostakovich: Part 2- Background and Beginnings
Hello, and welcome back to Tumblr's Guide to Shostakovich, the series where I talk about the life and works of Dmitri Shostakovich! Today, I want to talk some about his family background, and about his childhood. The main sources I'll be using for this post are Dmitri Shostakovich: The LIfe and Background of a Soviet Composer by Victor Seroff and Nadezhda Galli-Shohat (who was Shostakovich's aunt), Pages From the Life of Dmitri Shostakovich by Dmitri and Lyudmila Sollertinsky, and Shostakovich: A Life Remembered by Elizabeth Wilson. Photos are from Dmitri Shostakovich: The Life and Background of a Soviet Composer and the DSCH Publishers website.
Dmitri Shostakovich was born on September 25, 1906, to Dmitri Boleslavovich and Sofiya Vasiliyevna (nee Kokaoulina) Shostakovich in St. Petersburg, Russia. His maternal grandfather, Vasiliy Jakovlevich Kokaoulin, hailed from Siberia and advocated for improved working conditions for miners in the Lena Gold Field, where he became the manager. Sofiya Vasiliyevna was one of six children, and studied music at the Irkutsk Institute for Noblewomen; her brother Jasha became involved with the growing revolutionary movement. When a student protest on Kazan Square in February 1899 was violently disbanded by armed Cossacks, Sofiya and her siblings became more deeply sympathetic towards the revolutionaries; her sister Nadezhda Galli-Shohat would become a member of the Social Democratic Bolshevik Party (she would later come to disagree with Bolshevism and emigrate to the United States in 1923).
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(Sofiya Vasiliyevna Shostakovich, the composer's mother. 1911.)
Shostakovich's father, Dmitri Boleslavovich Shostakovich, came from Polish origins ("Shostakovich" is actually a Russification of the Polish surname "Szostakowicz.") and worked as a senior keeper at the Palace of Weights and Measures. His father, Boleslav, was deeply involved in the Polish revolutionary movement, and organized the release of Jaroslav Dombrovsky, who had been imprisoned due to his part in the Polish Uprising. As a result, Boleslav was exiled to Siberia. (Side note- Shostakovich's first name was nearly "Jaroslav," but the Orthodox priest at his christening advised his parents to name him "Dmitri," after his father.)
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(Dmitri Boleslavovich Shostakovich, the composer's father. 1903.)
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(The composer around age one and his sister Maria ("Marusya"), 1907.)
By the time Shostakovich's parents were raising their three children in a middle-class household on Nikolaevskaya Street, revolutionary sentiments were sharply rising; Shostakovich himself was born just a year after the "Bloody Sunday" massacre of 1905. However, another major component of the artist young Mitya Shostakovich would become was highly present in their home- music. His mother was a skilled pianist, and his father- a "kind, jolly man" who would sing to her accompaniments. Shostakovich would listen to his neighbour, Boris Sass-Tisovsky, play the cello, and the Shostakoviches would take their children to the opera. Seroff and Galli-Shohat include an anecdote illustrating the contrasting personalities of Sofiya and Dmitri B. Shostakovich: "Sonya [Sofiya] gradually weeded out most of the Siberian friends of Dmitri's [Boleslavovich] student days because, for her, there was too much of the "muzhik" [term for a male peasant] about them and in these days she sought a different society. Dmitri took all this reform very good-naturedly and only retained, in spite of all that Sonya could do, his heavy gait and his rough, Siberian-peasant way of speaking. Sonya would have despaired of his slangy speech except that she knew his gay and lovable disposition always won him friends wherever he went. "Sonya, Sonya," he would say, shaking his head and looking at her over the top of his glasses, "I'm a bad one. Squirt me another glass of tea."
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(Mitya, Maria, and Zoya Shostakovich with their parents, 1912.)
Despite an early recognition of his talents as a prodigy, Shostakovich was never pressed into music unwillingly; for the most part, he had a happy childhood with his sisters Zoya and Maria, gathering mushrooms, reading adventure books, and watching their father play solitaire (which would later become one of Shostakovich's favourite pastimes as well). However, at the age of nine, after attending a performance of Mussorgsky's The Tale of Tsar Saltan, Mitya was able to recite and sing most of the opera from memory the following day. That summer, in 1915, he began piano lessons. Among his first childhood works was the "Funeral March for Victims of the Revolution;" he recalled that he "composed a lot under the influence of external events," a trait that would come to follow him throughout his future career. He took lessons from Ignati Glyasser, and later Aleksandra Rozanova. By the time he entered the conservatoire at age thirteen, the city he was born in had been renamed to Petrograd; WWI had meant a Russification of the name "St. Petersburg" due to anti-German sentiment. In 1924, it would once again be renamed "Leningrad," following the death of Vladimir Lenin. (Today, the city is once again called "St. Petersburg," following the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.) Shostakovich's enrollment was on the recommendation of the composer and professor Aleksandr Glazunov, who would play a highly significant role in his conservatory years.
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(Aleksandra Aleksandrovna Rozanova, Shostakovich's piano teacher.)
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(Ignati Albertovich Glyasser with his piano class, 1917. Dmitri Shostakovich is located second from the right in the first row; Maria Shostakovich is located fourth from the right in the second row.)
In the next few entries, I will talk more about his adolescence and conservatory years, along with some drama in his personal life. ;) See you then!
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signanothername · 1 year ago
Part 2
Blades (ngl, this might just be longer cause he’s my favorite character <3): Lower Class (servant). I think Blades would be the only member of the sigma not originally hatched with a name. I don’t really believe RB’s version of Blades is a gestalt, but wouldn’t it be great if Hot spot, Grove, First Aid, and Streetwise were still in a way present? Maybe instead of being his brother they were fellow lower class bots that grouped together under the “us little guys have to stick together” mantra (I’ll admit I’ve given way to much thought to each of their stories 😵‍💫, but imma keep it brief). I’m willing to bet they nicknamed him Blades because the more “hands on” / bruiser type members of their makeshift team would often times get hurt and Blades (alongside First Aid) would have to take care of them, most times by operating. What I’m trying to get at is that they landed on Blades because “scalpel” and/or “knives” didn’t have the same ring to it. (Bonus points of FA is actually younger than B, but was in the group first, hence why B wouldn’t get his name). When Megatronus started the uprising Blades wasn’t sold on it, but he did take the chance to leave his caste. Maybe other members of the team were on board and became branded decepticons and that resulted in them bitterly spitting up [abandonment issues have entered the chat]. Blades upgraded his nickname to actual name and with a drive to help, already somewhat developed medical skills, and the required thin platting, he turned to the Rescue Bots, the only force who wouldn’t reject him based on his background, and wouldn’t throw straight to the battle front. He was half right, the rescue bots did take him in, but he was being constantly being tossed from sigma to sigma since, despite not being an actual decepticon, him being a low caste bot who “cheated” the system was enough reason for others to doubt him [abandonment issues have amplified]. Sigma 17 would be the only team that doesn’t reject him, but at the cost of him just not sharing anything about himself either. Blades loves being a rescue bot because, as someone who knows fear so personally, being rescuer means he can help others never feel the same way he did/does.
RB Heatwave: In this version, I see Blades sticking close to Boulder at first (being someone with similar background, and having a calming presence) until he clicks with Chase (a solid guide to the new environment, who believes firmly in justice for all). HW however, being very vocal of his distaste for decepticons would be a source of conflict. Blades doesn’t believe the decepticons approach is the right one, but as someone who was so heavily affected by the social structure, he can’t stand when they’re summed up as “power hungry”. Ironically, the biggest decepticon hater would be the same bot who believes in Blades the most and just refuses to give up on him. Blades would come to understand that HW is more frustrated about his planet having to tear itself apart for peace rather than the bots who did it, and that’s when tensions start turning to friendship.
Oh my god Anon allow me to fucking cry this is so sad but so sweet
Ok ramble number 2
Blades being a servant breaks my heart, cause you look at this sweet and kind bot and wonder how the world could be so cruel to him, and aaaahhhh the idea of First Aid, Groove, Hotspot and Streetwise being close friends is so adorable!!
The fact Blades upgraded his nickname to his actual name, combined with the possibility his friendship ended on a bitter note? He could’ve come up with a new name but nah he kept his nickname and that makes my brain so happy
Also Blades being tossed from sigma to sigma??? Imma cry ugh my sweet little boi aaaahhhxbxjxhxb and I find it interesting that sigma 17 would be the one taking him in, and I feel like even if he did reveal his past to them, aigma 17 would still keep him
But if he did get tossed to so many sigmas and with how his friendship ended I can absolutely see how it can affect him and how it got him to fear rejection and abandonment, and let’s be real, Blades canonically has abandonment issues, and they absolutely came from somewhere he won’t have them for no reason and your take on his character and his past??? Chef’s kiss
And i can absolutely see how someone who knew fear would be happy to make sure no other person has to ugh 😭❤️🌷✨
And yesssss I think Blades would definitely click with Boulder first, Boulder is a ball of sunshine it’s genuinely easy to get acquainted with him quickly, Chase would be a tiny bit harder but not cause he’s not accepting, I feel like to an extent, Chase can seem intimidating, and with how corrupt the police force is on Cybertron, it’s easy to immediately be suspicious of him and with Blades being a low caste? Kinda hard to immediately trust a police bot, until you realize he’s an absolute nerd and as much of a sunshine as Boulder is <3333
HW can definitely be a bit bitter and harsh, with misplaced anger, tho i feel like Blades would try to befriend HW, maybe with HW resisting at first, but once they became friends? God forbid an idiot even looks at Blades the wrong way or even try to use his past against him, HW probably got into trouble for fighting some people cause they treated Blades badly
The thing is, HW can be a bit insensitive or insulting at times, a bit tempered, but I wholeheartedly believe he never was a bully, in fact HW gives me the vibes of the jock of school who beat up the bullies rather than being a bully himself dhzhhdhzh
But yes, the moment Blades and Heatwave become friends? Blades never felt safer <3333
Here’s another art I never intended to share but you anon get to have it <3
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Part 1 (of this ask)
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